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purple/pink bar

This page will have my poetry, stories, etc. What appears
here will be what I consider to be the best. I'm extremely
critical of my own work so don't be surprised if this either
doesn't change for a long time or changes very rapidly.

purple/pink bar

The words flow 'cross this surface.
An outlet for the feelings, the thoughts, the energy within.
The soul splashes on the page.
Leaving these words like a bloody trail.
Exposing itself for the world to read.

purple/pink bar

My poems
Child of a Vietnam Vet
Love, Promises, Lies, Hate
My Mind
Power of Music

purple/pink bar

My stories
A story (I still haven't thought of a title. This is a work in progress.)
The King

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NEW!!!!! Guest Poet Pages!!!!

Peaches' poetry page 1
Peaches' poetry page 2
Peaches' poetry page 3

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© Dystini, 1998

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