Deck name:
Mikulas Dug
3xDragos, 3xMeshenka, Wendy Wade, Corine Marcon, Dominique, Zoe, 2xBrazil
5x Body Arsenal, Blood of Acid, 2x Breath of Dragon, 4x Vicissitude, 4x Skin of Steel, 4x Hidden Strenght, 4x Fortitude, 6x Drawing out the Beast, 6x Scorpion Sting, 4x Carrion Crows, 2x Guard Dogs, 4x Changeling, 3x Eagle's Sight, 4x Precognition, 8x Telepathic Misdirection, 3x Telepathic Counter, 4x Wake with Evening's Freshness, 4x Forced Awakening, 5x Blood Doll, 2x Library Hunting Ground, Pulse of Canaille, Laptop Computer, Living Manse, Tasha Morgan, Mr. Winthrop, Raven Spy, Ravenant, 2x Muddled Vampire Hunter, 2x War Ghoul
This is Miki's tournament (Praxis Seizure: Kosice) Tzimisce/Malkavian intercept/combat deck. His favourite vampire is Dragos improved with Vicissitude and 2x Fortitude. He calls Muddled Hunter with young Malkavians and War Ghoul with Dragos (or Meshenka). He intercepts everything (or bounces bleed). He also improves vampires with permanent bleed (Laptop, Tasha) and slowly bleeds his prey to death.
Deck name:
Ventrue's Revange
Vladimir Varga, inspired by David Dermek
3xArika, 2xSir Walter Nash, Queen Anne, Emerson Bridges, Rahjan Rishi, Gideon Fontaine, Jost Werner, Igo the Hungry, Antoinette DuChamp
3x Blood Doll, 4x Minion Tap, Information Highway, 2x Life Boon, 5x Sudden Reversal, Giant's Blood, 2x Anarch Revolt, 2x Ventrue Headquarters, 2x Obfuscate, 2x Elyseum: The Arboretum, 4x Majesty, 4x Staredown, 2x Catatonic Fear, Cryptic Rider, 3x Voter Captivation, 5x Bewitching Oration, Faceless Night, 2x Forgotten Labyrinth, 4x Cloak the Gathering, 4x Lost in Crowds, Parity Shift, 3x Banishment, 2x Command of the Harpies, 2x Dramatic Upheaval, 4x Conservative Agitation, 4x Kine Resources Contested, Disputed Territory, Praxis Seizure: Geneva, Praxis Seizure: Berlin, The Second Tradition: Domain, 4x Forced Awakening, 4x Deflection, 4x Redirection, Wake With Evening's Freshness, Concotion of Vitality, 2x Mind Rape
This is Vlado's tournament (Antediluvian Awakening tournament) Ventrue political deck. He prefers to influence Arika, because she has 4 votes and all important disciplines. Other vampires do not have Obfuscate, so Vlado has to improve them with Master: Discipline card. He kills his preys usually with Conservative Agitations and Kine Resources Contested. Sometimes he bleeds, but he rather prefers to deflect other people bleeds. His minions don't like combat, he always tries to play some combat ends card. He has a lot of pool gain combos: Minion Tap and Giant's Blood, succesfull politics and Voter Captivation, stolen Hunting Ground and Blood Doll. Really dangerous deck.
Deck name:
Morning Star
David Dermek
Arika 3x,
Alexandra 2x,
Queen Anne 2x,
Francois Villon 2x,
Anson 2x,
Ranjah Rishi, Camarilla Scholar,
Igo the Hungry,
Antoinette DuChamp.
Blood Doll 4x,
Minion Tap 6x,
Information Highway 2x,
Sudden Reversal 3x,
Giant's Blood,
Ventrue Headquarters,
Elyseum: The Arboretum 2x,
Majesty 4x,
Staredown 4x,
Faceless Night 4x,
Forgotten Labyrinth,
Cloak the Gathering 4x,
Spying Mission 3x,
Swallowed by the Night 2x,
Marked Path 2x,
Elder Impersonation 2x,
Lost in Crowds 6x,
Forced Awakening 2x,
Deflection 4x,
Redirection 4x,
London Evening Star,
The Rumor Mill,
KRCG News Radio,
Uptown Hunting Ground 2x,
Society Hunting Ground 2x,
Elder Kindred Network 2x,
Kindred Coercion 2x,
Legacy of Power 4x,
The Parthenon,
Curse of Nitocris,
Political Stranglehold,
Ancient Influence,
Direct Intervention 2x,
Tomb of Ramses III 2x,
Succubus Club,
Art Museum 2x,
Arcanum Chapterhouse,
The Fifth Tradition: Hospitality 2x.
This is David's healing and bleed/stealth deck from Crusade: Kosice tournament. There are plenty of healing combinations - Blood Dolls and Hunting Ground cards, Minion Taps and 5.Tradition or Giant's Blood, Tomb of Ramses III, Political Stranglehold and Ancient Influence, Art Museum, edge + Victoria's ability. Important vampires have obfuscate, so they are stealthy, and they have at least +1 bleed permanently. Usualy David bleeds for 5 or 6 each turn (2 IC members or IC and Francois Villon ...). It's slow, but nice deck.
Deck name:
Let's struggle!
Branislav Baco
Alvaro, The Scion of Angelica 2x,
Gratiano 2x,
Angelica, The Canonicus 2x,
Guido Lucciano 2x,
Aaron Duggan,
Shadow Body 8x
Foreshadowing Destruction 2x,
Bonding 7x,
Mind Rape,
Faar Mastery,
Slaughtering the Herd 2x,
Govern the Unaligned 5x,
Scouting Mission 5x,
Blood Doll 4x,
Golconda: Inner Peace 2x,
Power Structure 2x,
Giant´s Blood,
Political Seizure 3x,
Secret Horde,
Dominate 3x,
Minion Tap 5x,
Banishment 4x,
Dramatic Upheaval 2x,
Ancient Influence,
Political Stranglehold,
Shroud of Night 7x,
Shadow Play 7x,
Sudden Reversal 4x,
Redirection 4x,
Deflection 4x,
Wake With Evening´s Freshness 4x.
Brano Baco prepared this deck for Praxis Seizure: Kosice 1999 tournament. It is nice Lasombra bleed/stealth deck, but improved with pool gain (Minion Taps, Blood Dolls) and some politics (Banisments). Politics makes the deck really dangerous, because Banishment played in right time dramaticly changes situation (this happened in final round of PS: Kosice '99).
Deck name:
Mikulas Dug
Vaclav Petalengaro 2x, Savisha Veliku 2x, Joaquina Amaya 2x, Konstantin, Baro of the Caravan 2x, Leon 1x, Viliam Andor 1x, Anastasia Grey 1x, Guliano Vincenzi 1x
Skin of Night 3x, Carrion Crows 5x, Apparition 6x, Trap 4x, Rolling with the Punches 4x, Song in the Dark 3x, Drawing Out the Beast 5x, Blood Doll 5x, Haven Uncovered 4x, The Rack 1x, Park Hunting Ground 2x, Heildeburg Castle, Germany 1x, Mr. Winthrop 1x, Raven Spy 2x, Renegade Garrou 2x, Masochism 2x, Bum’s Rush 2x, Army of Rats 2x, Dawn Operation 4x, Ignis Fatuus 5x, Wake with the Evening’s Freshness 2x, Forced Awakening 6x, Veiled Sight 4x, Cat’s Guidance 5x
This is Miki's winning deck from Crusade: Kosice '99. It is very slow wall deck with lot of intercept cards. It heals and stops everything it can. Of course, some combat cards are necessary here to finish intercepted vampire ...
Deck name:
Zsolt Varga
Gilbert Duane, Mariel, Reverend Blackwood, Didi Mayers, Zebulon, Agrippina, Roland Bishop, Laurent de Valois, Watenda, Duck, Normal, Dimple.
Secret Library of Alexandria 2x, Dreams of the Sphinx 2x, Heildeburg Castle, Metro Underground, Anarch Troublemaker, Minion Tap, Blood Doll 2x, Dominate 2x, Tasha Morgan, J.S.Simmons, Laptop Computer 2x, Computer Hacking 6x, Govern Unaligned 8x, Conditioning 2x, Foreshadowing Destruction 2x, Bonding 5x, Cloak the Gathering 8x, Lost in Crowds 6x, Spying Mission 4x, Faceless Night 4x, Swallowed by the Night 4x, Elder Impersonation, Wake with Evening's Freshness 4x, Delaying Tactics 3x, Deflection 7x.
Zsolo's Malkavian/Nosferatu bleed/stealth deck is probably the deadlies and best balanced bleed/stealth deck I ever seen. I played it on EC Vienna 2000 and I won a 1st place in constructed deck tournament. The weakness of the deck is low pool gaining capacity - it usually heals only from 6 pool gained when ousting a prey or from the Edge. It is also possible to play Govern Unaligned at superior which save some pool. The extremly powerfull cards in this deck are Dreams of the Sphinx and Secret Library, because they allow to draw cards when necesarry. So, I can always have the right cards in my hand - bleed or stealth or deflection - and I can get rid of those that are not needed.
Deck name:
The Toreador's Beauty
Dusan Simsik
2x Alexandra, 2x Anneke, 2x Anson, Francois Villon, Klaus van der Veken, Mariana Gilbert, Rake, 2x Tatiana Romanov.
6x Aching Beauty, Aarchon Investigation, 2x Direct Intervention, 3x Dreams of the Sphinx, Giant's Blood, 8x Minion Tap, 4x Aire of Elation, Ancient Influence, 3x Awe, 4x Banishment, 12x Catatonic Fear, 3x Enhanced Senses, 5x 5th Tradition: Hospitality, 4x Change of Target, Kindred Restructure, 4x Kine Resources Contested, Political Stranglehold, Scorn of Adonis, 10x 2nd Tradition: Domain, 8x Telepathic Misdirection, 6x Voter Captivation, 2x Bewitching Oration.
This is Dusan Simsik's winning deck from PS: Kosicee 2001. He was very unlucky at the beggining of the final round - he influenced Rake and he imediatly got Pentex Subversion and later was stolen with Hostile takeover. Later he got another Pentex to his next vampire. But then his luck returns, other player helped him and he used standard Minion Tap + 5th Tradition combo couple times, so he was save for the moment. And when two other remaining players started to struggle strongly, he used his chance very well and won the game. This deck is very nice to play - many nice Toreadors, perfect cards, beautifull combos. But it has weakness demonstrated at the beginning of a final round - if somebody gets off your lonely vampire, you're out! So aggressive decks could smash beautifull Toreadors easily ... Other weakness is lack of stealth cards and also effective, but easily destructable combat defense - combat ends.
Deck name:
Spanish Birds
Zsolt Varga inpired by Karol Magda's winning deck from Iberia tournament
2x Omaya, 1x Caliban, 2x Devin Bisley, 1x Terence, 1x Wendy Wade, 1x Leon, 1x Tommy, 1x Shannon Price, The Whisperer, 1x Dani, 1x Vliam Andor.
5x Blood Doll, 1x The Rack, 1x Hungry Coyote, 1x Powerbase: Montreal, 1x Anarch Troublemaker, 1x Guardian Angel, 1x The Rumor Mill, Tabloid Newspaper, 1x KRCG News Radio, 1x Tasha Morgan, 1x J.S.Simmons, Esq., 1x Mr. Winthrop, 1x Raven Spy, 1x Laptop Computer, 1x Sport Bike, 1x Palatial Estate, 1x Saturday Night Special, 1x .44 Magnum, 4x Computer Hacking, 1x Army Of Rats, 1x Revelation, 3x Delayed Tactics, 8x Forced Awakening, 3x Guard Dogs, 5x Cat's Guidance, 3x Enhances Senses, 1x Eagle's Sight, 1x Spirit's Touch, 1x Precognition, 3x My Enemy's Enemy, 5x Telepathic Misdirection, 8x Aid From Bats, 7x Carrion Crows.
Zsolo very likes Karol Magda's winning deck from Iberian tournament, so he upgraded it and he used it during Antediluvian Awakening 2001 tournament. And he succeeded! The deck won ... Here are his comments: 1. It's better to change Hungry Coyote for Library HG - simply it's not enough time for hunting. 2. Army of Rats are great! 3. Revelation is even better and it's neccessary to play it at superior ... 4. Magnum is very good - more expensive than IR Goggles, but much better (4 damage with Carrion Crows is nice). It's too much intercept here, better is to change one Spirit's Touch for Tier of Souls (to increase a bleed potence of a deck) and Precognition for Eagle Sight (sometimes is a good thing to block "finish slap" across table).