"Lost Logic"
Written by: Michelle Crombie and Rimona Fairbanks
Disclaimer: All characters from WOEICS belong to DIC. Carmen Sandiego also is the property of Broderbund software. We are using them without permission, but with oodles of affection and respect. All the other characters are our own creation. We must also thank Dev Ross for some of our ideas.
WARNING: If you are a prom queen, or worse, are named after two alcoholic beverages, do not read the sections with Brandy Wine. Brandy is based on a real-life evil snob who thinks she's the Queen of the World. Also, don't read if you take fanfics too literally or are prone to insanity.
[The Himalayas]
The cave was dark and cold, but nothing a determined soul couldn't penetrate. And these conditions were tolerable to Carolyn LeRue. Carolyn adjusted her lantern and continued to dig in the frozen soil. "They must be here! I've pinpointed their location within a five-mile radius!" She sifted through the soil, looking for any clues.
Suddenly, her trowel struck something hard. Carolyn felt a twinge of anticipation surge through her. She slowly began to remove hardened dirt from the ground, uncovering three metal objects.
"At last! After six years of searching!" Carolyn pried the three artifacts from the soil. They were bells, each about nine inches long and grouped together in a cluster held together with wire. She took out her camera and photographed them, then catalogued the finds in her notebook. She ran her gloved fingers along the etched surfaces. "Definitely gold. The Puzzlers were great goldsmiths. And these wires are silver--they're tarnishing. Carolyn took out a large case lined with velvet and carefully placed the three treasures in it. She happily strolled out of the cave. "I'm finally on my way to Dimensia!"
Little did the elated archaeologist know she was being watched. "Intriguing," whispered a tall raven-haired woman in a scarlet snowsuit. "What did she mean by 'on her way to Dimensia'?" Well, Carmen Sandiego is not one to sit around and ask questions. I'm going to find answers!"