Lass-n-Ladd's VP Stuff
Allo...welcome to our VP world...on this page you'll find some help with getting started in VP...and to the left you'll find links to all our Avatar, Gesture, and Tour Rug pages...have fun and see you in VP!!!
*NOTE-the link to Lass-n-Ladd's Link page is wrong on ALL av/gesture/tour rug pages...however...the one in the frame to the left works...we apologize for this...but we've been movin all our pages and haven't had the chance to update all the vp pages
AVATAR HELPTo change your AV(AVATAR)...right click on your avatar and choose edit personal gallery and click change...find the folder your new AV is in and click the new av...hit ok...your done!!
To make or draw an art program...i suggest Paintshop Pro 5 the image you would like to make into an AV...crop and resize until its 48x64 pixels in size...then save in .gif can use .bmp (bitmap)files as AVs...but people with MACs won't be able to see'll want to crop your image enough to where its about the right dimentions as it will need to be when done...that wont get distorted avs
Gesture Help
once you've downloaded your need to do a few things to activate them for use...all mine are in a .zip will need a program to unzip them before you can use them...i suggest WINZIP ...once you have your zip/unzip program...double click on the gesture you want to unzip and extract them to your gesture folder (usually located in C~~PROGRAM FILES~~VPLACES~~EXTS~~GESTURES)...if you put new gestures in your folder while you're in won't see them in your pallet until you open your pallet and hit F5
These links will give you more help if you need it...