Athene19's Cult TV

Welcome! Not a lot here really - just click on a logo to navigate your way around. More to come as I get around to it!

The Avengers

The X-Files

--I deleted my Persuaders page for two reasons:
1. There’s a really good page already on the Internet here and my one would be just a very poor carbon copy of it
2. I watched the show the other day and realised just how chauvinistic it was. Roger Moore and Tony Curtis are just too smug for their own good. It was like a really bad sexist version of a Bond film. Yes, I used to love it, but this was before I grew up and opened my eyes to the world where men have dominated for too long. I think I’m turning into a feminist...

--I’ve also deleted the Randall & Hopkirk page too for several reasons:
1. The original series is not showing anywhere on British Sky Digital because of the incredibly popular remake starring Bob Mortimer and Vic Reeves as the respective characters.
2. There is a really good page on the original series by a young fan here and mine was pitiful in comparison.
3. I would make a page about the new series but the BBC is probably already doing a good job of that. They already have a second series, which the original didn’t have, and I happen to like it a great deal... Even more so when one episode was filmed almost entirely in the building I was working in at the time! The episode was called Two Can Play At That Game, where Jeff and Jeannie get trapped inside a derelict department store called Boyle’s i.e. my work building! Throughout the whole episode I was like, "Ooh, my office is just there" and "That’s the fountain I walk past every day" and silly, over-excited things like that. The parts I actually watched being filmed were the first bit, during the opening of Boyle’s, and when Jeff and Marty approach the building and argue outside on the steps. It was v. cool!

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