Athene19's Friends

Yeah, well I think friends have to be mentioned at some point... what would we do without them? None of you can be forgotten. Some of you are wonderful people and others of you are just... there! Read on to see those people who are important in my life.

St. George's RC Primary

Uhm, "Hi" to everyone I went to primary school with. I left more than a decade ago so I'm not exactly expecting people to remember me well. Its funny, really, that when you meet up again, you half expect them to be exactly like they were all those years ago. My best friend at school (for most of the time, anyway!) was Emma Haste, who has actually gone on to be a reception teacher at the school. My little sister pointed her out and I half expected to see the 11yr old I remember all those years ago! Bizarre, innit?!

Our Lady's Convent

This is for all those people I was friendly with in Our Lady's Convent High. I remember my first day vividly because I was so scared about starting a school out of the borough, 8 miles from home, and not knowing anyone! I walked into the cloakroom, nervously looked up my name and hung up my coat. I walked out and the deputy head, Sr Sheila, gave me a badge with my name on it (in case I forgot, I suppose!) and said, "Freema doesn't know many people either, off you go!" and I found myself pushed out towards the playground with Freema Agyeman. We hung out for a couple of weeks but we found our own friends eventually.

Anyway, big "HELLO!!" to Mina, Laura, Tara, Linda and Pamela. I would add pictures but they didn't like the old ones... So, guys, if you want to adorn my page in glorious technicolour, send in your fave pics and I'll upload them. Heck, I'll even airbrush them if you want! After all, I airbrush all my pics of me... Yep, I'm not that good-looking!!

University of Kent at Canterbury

Yep, school ended and being the lazy slob I am, I couldn't be arsed to find a job so I just applied to university instead. My hopes of going to Nottingham, Leeds and Warwick were dashed but Kent gave me a chance to shine... Well, avoid finding a job for another three years anyway!

This university also happened to be the one chosen by Peter, a lovely guy I knew from when I was about 18mths! Our families go way back to when our grandfathers were kids and used to play together in Holloway, North London. Our grandparents conspired in a plot (which I swear is still in force to this day) whereby Peter and I would one day be forced to marry, or at least date each other. We've so far managed to foil their plot...!

I want to say a big "Hiya" and send 'cyber-hugs' to Melissa and Jenny, who came over to UKC from America for their 'study for a year abroad' thingy. We've managed to stay friends ever since so we're doing good! The same also goes to Debbie who stayed in Canterbury after graduation and is still good friends with me, Jenny and Mel. We're doing our annual meet-up again this summer in London. Next year, the world! Well, Europe anyway (fingers crossed!)Click here for recent pics.

Quiet wave to Andrew, who I managed to bully into seeing again after a five year hiatus. Shutting yourself away from the world and burying yourself in work isn't always the way to go, even if you do have a company to start up...! ;)

I would also like to say "Hi" to people who I met at uni, and then who managed to disappear off the face of the earth, and never hear from again. If any of you guys discover this page, it would be REALLY nice to hear from you and find out what you've been up to!

Matt Betts, Simon Wood, Carolyn Mason, Barbara Braidwood, Lacey Warren, Tim Reddin, Kieron Grattan, Emily Staple... etc etc!

Finally, gigantic wave, scream, hug, EVERYTHING, to Anne for sticking by me through all the tough times. We've been through so much together: first aid courses (when we first met!), boyfriends, bereavement, school, college, university, more boyfriends... The true meaning of lifelong friendship!

Find your old friends at Friends Reunited

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Updated: January 2004

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