I have known my husband for about 7 years. When we first met, I was his bartender. Later I became his savior and even later still... he became mine.
At the time of our first meeting, he was living a life on the path to destruction. He was slowly tearing himself and his life apart. When we finally got together, he changed all that. He tells me now that I was his savior and I find that comforting.
The truth of the matter is, he "is" mine. We found out about a year ago that I have an illness; which will be discussed later on another page. Anyway, this illness was the main reason that i had never had any stability in my life. It seemed that everytime I got going, I would sabotage my life. As I was about to do then. He helped me decide to get help and has stayed by my side and helped me through it all. Without him, I would never have found the road to sanity. No, not sobriety, it's not that kind of illness, you heard or read it correctly the first time. SANITY.

So what is my life partner like? He is a 36 year old man that has had the will and the love for me to stay by my side through much hatefulness and fear. He is a man who has never lost faith in me nor hope that one day I would see the world as he does or at least in a sane manner. I need you to understand that I am not crazy but many times have thought that I was or feared I would be. He could have left. He could have just packed up, taken our child and left. There have even been times when I told him to. I am very happy he didn't.
My husband... a man of love, compassion, humility, great strength and great humor. The first person I have ever truely loved and, aside from my children, the only. The list will grow, but for me it takes much time. You really should see his HOME PAGE he can be quite a character and is a serious Jaguar fan !!!


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