"The Hutt Commission"

Flakk the Hutt was getting impatient. "Gorrob!" he yelled to his puny Rodian majordomo. "You said she'd be here an hour ago! If this smuggler's anything less then the best...."
Gorrob broke in. "Your majesty, I was assured she was the best I could get," he wined, groveling.
Before Flakk could reply, the comm buzzed. "Someone to see you, all powerful Flakk", the recorded voice droned.
"Bring 'im in."
A figure stepped into the room. Flakk tried hard not to laugh. Standing in front of him was a rather plain looking young teenage girl in a rather boring brown spacer’s outfit.
Flakk couldn't hold it in anymore. "Oh, ah ha, ho, ha ha!" he burst out, "THIS is the great smuggler you spoke so highly of! A little.....GIRL! Oh ah, ha, ha! Please take her away before I burst!"
The girl straitened herself up, and then said in a loud voice, "If you'll excuse me, I am a highly capable smuggler. I have...."
"Gorrob! Where did you dig up this runt?" Flakk had stopped laughing, and now looked rather annoyed (well, as much as a Hutt can look annoyed).
"Uh, ah, um, well," he mumbled, "I heard from a very, er, reliable source that she was a excellent smuggler. Ah, I've heard she's worked with Talon Karrde..."
Flakk's mood swung from annoyed to interested. "Is that true, girl?"
"Yes, I've worked with Karrde, but I don't see..."
"Hmmm.... all right, this could be interesting, you've got the job. What's your name?"
"Call me Ranc," she replied.
"Ok, Ranc, here's the deal. You drop some, ah, illicit hypernautics in the city of Calamar on Esseles, come back here with a datapad from a guy called Mikar, and I'll give you 5,000 credits."
"10,000. I may be young, but I'm not stupid."
Flakk chuckled, "You drive a hard bargain, girl. But all right. Are you familiar with the Darpa sector's spaceways?"
"Yes. I suppose you'll be wanting me to take the Perlemian trade route?"
"No! Some of my, ah, rivals, may be patrolling there. Go a unmapped way."
"Not in MY ship, I'm not! What if I get just a little to close to a star..." she yelled.
"Calm down. You can take one of my shuttles. Go now, before you try my patience. Gorrob, take her to the shuttle."
"Yes, my master," Gorrob wined, as he and Ranc walked to the bay.

Ranc winced. "You want me to take THIS?!? I don't think it will make it off the ground!"
"It's, ah, better, in the inside. Please, go, the hypernautics are loaded, my master, is not patient....." Gorrob mumbled.
"I've already figured that out," Ranc said as she walked up the ramp. Oh, yea, it's better on the inside, she thought, as she sat in the ratty old pilot's chair. She set the hyperdrive coordinates for an area outside of Corulag, careful to avoid the Perlemian route. The ship binged ok, and Ranc pulled back the lever and watched the stars slip away.

"The Hutt Commission" Part Two

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