
Madchin awoke from the torment that had been the soul gem, to look into the eyes of the man she had killed. Her initial terror was soothed by the persuasive manners of Dolph Kueller. He had dreamed of her since her death, and had wanted her alive. However, he wanted her alive on his terms. He placed a rune of control and a rune of protection on her, and then informed her that she was also carrying the child of a fallen Sith. He had had the other woman killed, for failing to follow her true path, and now, Madchin, carried his son. In due time, she gave birth to that child, Tauno, and spent a year, in solitude, on Korriban, raising him as she had promised Lord Kueller. During that time, Kueller handed her training over to Master Lolin Jenner. An initial jealousy of each other, turned into a deep and lasting friendship. Indeed, in years to come, Tauno would marry Lolin's daughter, Aelorin. Lolin, however, fell out of favour with the Dark Lord as she continued to teach and practice methods, not concurrent with the Sith teachings. She left Cloud City, and Madchin behind. About this time Madchin met Hel Darrius, and although Madchin was initially assigned as Hel's teacher, Hel soon filled the void left by Lolin's departure, and the two became close friends. When Hel married Emperor Vanderheiden, Madchin swore on her life to protect her. That promise almost came to pass when Madchin, in an attempt to protect Hel from the blast of concussion rifle, dove in front of the woman. Barely alive, her body useless, Hel transported her back to Cloud City. There, Lord Kueller, realizing that any recuperation would be slow and not totally successful, prepared a new body for her. The body of a young, innocent 17 year old, newly visiting the DSR, was chosen, and the soul transfer performed. With Lolin gone, Kueller took over her training. New restrictions and a rigorous training schedule put her in line. She set out with new energy to prove her loyalty to the Dark Lord. Part of this new found energy took her to the lair of Lord Xar, an alchemist, among many other archane talents. During a ritual, which included his slicing Madchin's tongue in half, lengthwise, so that she could more easily speak the ancient Sith language, the Lord drank of the young woman's blood, during a kiss. The bond, became one now of blood, not just religion, or race. From that day forward, Xar became Madchin's father. An understanding, born of the sharing of blood, grew between them, and, for all intents and purposes, this blood bond, was as sacred as if she were of his seed. Desperate to prove her loyalty to the Dark Lord, to atone for mistakes of a heart moving with rash indecision, Madchin set out to destroy on of Kueller's most hated foes Warlord Vodo Bonias. Using the methods of seduction that had worked for her so many times, she soon had the man eating out of her hand. That he might actually fall in love with her, had never entered her mind. But Dolph's jealousy, and anger at her trying to take on someone, or something he felt she couldn't handle, stopped any plan she had for destruction. Using the rune of control, Kueller ordered her back to Yavin...where she was punished and humiliated for a fortnight. Forced to wear the clothing of a Hutt slave girl, when she was allowed to dress, her body marked by Sith Magics, she bore her punishment with little argument, although she seethed that Kueller had not trusted her enough, to see out her plan. In time, Kueller released her, but, using Sith Alchemy and magics, transformed her appearance, from the blond, thin woman that Vodo had fallen in love with, back to the dark haired, dark eyed, curvaceous Madchin that Kueller had always known. That magic will hold, her appearance unchanged, until the death of the magician. In time, she advanced to the level of Lord. Keeping a promise made when he released her from the soul gem, Lord Kueller offered his life, in a Sith bond. Madchin was not interested, however, was soon, forced, once again, to carry a child of his creation. However, the Sith, increasingly displeased with the state of flux, and the Dark Lord, increasingly disheartened by the lack of cohesiveness by the Sith, agreed...and Madchin exiled Dolph Kueller from the Sith Ranks. With his departure, Madchin claimed the title of Dark Lord of the Sith herself. The days of power were shortlived. Sith Lord Exar Kun, challenged her to the title. In a desperate battle, Madchin was eventually defeated, losing the title to Kun. During the battle, Kun used the force to destroy her womb...forcing the birth of Kueller's child, two months early. The child, Markus, was born shortly after the battle, and whisked away to an unknown location by Madchin's personal servant, Ines. Childless, without a mate, the exile of Dolph having severed any ties to him, and now without the title of DLOS, Madchin retired to Yavin, to continue teaching. During her time on Yavin, Madchin became to depend on the support of Sith Lord Raxe Quelon. His knowledge of battle, and his own personal support within the Sith ranks, made his opinion valuable to her. Over time, the relationship grew, and eventually the pair were mated, in Sith fashion, and then, later, also, married as per Imperial law, in Cloud City. The pair are in the process of building a home on Elshandruu Pica, and, in the meantime split their time between their villa on Tatooine, Raxe's ISDThe Vendicator, and their students, on Kessel and Space Station Firewall.


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