Claw Clan Updates

Well, first of all, I'd like to say that I apologize greatly for not updating the CC page in so long. The reason, is a long story and if you really wanna hear it, feel free to e-mail me.
Okay, now second, I'd like to say Happy Belated Holidays to one and all. I hope you enjoyed your holidays as much as I did, and if you didn't, I'm sorry.
And third, in case any of ya'll out there are wondering, I am planning to update the entire CC page as soon as I can. Right now, I have a lot of things going on IRL, and I can't seem to find enough time to update much on any web pages. But please, if you have any suggestions for the page, feel free to e-mail me with them.
~Lady Love

Okay, time for another update... If you haven't noticed, I've created the member page which I said I would about a month ago. All of the member names are there... but if you've been to the page, you've probably noticed that it looks like just a bunch of names with a bunch of links connected to them. Well, I've got an idea to fix that... instead of just having a plain ol' page, why not have some actual things from the CLAN?!?! If there is ANYTHING you would like me to put on the page, please mail it to me ASAP.
Also, on a bad note, Falco has just recently told me that he will be stepping down from his command as leader. To be honest, I'm not sure if this is true... but I plan to find out ASAP. And just so you all know now, don't ask to take his place. *I* will make the decision if anyone is to take the place, and if I do decide to ask someone to take his place, it will most likely be someone who can prove to me that they have leadership qualities... But as I said before, I will find out if it's true... Falco, if you're reading this, always remember that you will be missed in the clan...
~Lady Love

Well, I thought it was time for an update, especially since you may have noticed something different on the main page. I've taken down the Membership Form link. And that can only mean one thing... we've got over 20 members now! *smiles* And soon enough, I'll be creating a Claw Clan Member page, which I will move all the names too. I'm working as much as I can on all I can here, and I know Falco is doing the same. *smiles* Please, come back often to check the updates, and such.
~Lady Love

Attention CLANNERS!!! We need to make up a date and time to try and get all of the clanners into the chat room at once. So mail me a date and time and we'll post the official one in here, okay? Also, we need to spice these pages up a bit! If you have any pics or ideas for the page mail them to either Lady Love or myself (Falco.) I will also be posting our e-mail addresses at the bottom of this page so you have easy accessability to them.

Guess what everyone! The FIRST Claw Clan child has hatched! She is a beautiful baby gargoyle girl, born to myself (Lady Love) and Sim. Her name is Adrianna... or as the godfather, Lucky, likes to call her, Lady Lucky. *smiles* So, come by the rookery sometime in the near future, and take a look at her.
~Lady Love

Okay, the rookery has been created... but if you've been there already, you probably noticed that there are no children there. Well, I'll just say this... come back real soon. The first Claw Clan child is about to be born... *smiles proudly* That's all I'll say... But please, come back soon.
~Lady Love

Hey everyone! I've been working hard on those applications for the Claw Clan. And I should have them up sometime in the close future. So, for those of ya'll who've been asking, I'm working on it! Come back real soon, and hey, maybe they'll be linked already!
~Lady Love

We should have a chat room in 4 or 5 days. Special thanks to Hudson! :)
The intro page is completed. Right now Lady and I (Falco) are working on this page. There isn't going to be much for awhile, but check back often, 'cause we're working as hard as we can. The Meet the Claw Clan will be up soon. If you have a picture of your character, mail it to me (Falco). Thanks for your patience and cooperation!

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