Welcome to Our Homepage!!! Editors and writers include Lorrie, Marc, and Wes, and we are forging into the 21st Century with our new homepage!! We're still brand-new, so be patient, we catch on fast.

We are all deadheads, although not quite as devout as some of our brothers and sisters of Jerry. We do love the music, and appreciate the community of heads all over the world who will welcome you with open arms...

The lovely and talented Lorrie is among other things a big pooh fan, and we'd like to quote eeyore in "thanks for noticing me.."

Marc, (aka Welbo, Neman, Welby) is a theatre major and a devout fan of Sir William Shakespeare. One day when you watch him on the silver screen you can say "Hey, I've seen his webpage!"

Here's a picture of Wes just after his plastic surgery:

Melting World

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