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Analog Science Fiction & Fact Magazine Reviews

Review of Stories in Analog


Information on the magazine

Analog Science Fiction & Fact is, I believe, one of the oldest surviving SF magazines. Edited by Stanley Schmidt, this magazine features a mix of science fiction stories and science fact articles.

Unlike Asimov's Science Fiction magazine, which usually wanders off into fantasy stories as well, the stories in Analog are more of the 'hard' SF type. This looks like a self-limiting decision but it is one that apparently allows the magazine to cater to that segment of the SF community that prefers only SF stories with some basis in science.

The magazine also features real science articles written by real scientist. So, if you're interested in short articles that feature real scientific ideas, this may be one magazine to look out for.

I have only just started reading this magazine, although I have glanced at it once in a while, so I cannot really comment on the quality of the magazine as a whole. But from first appearances, the magazine does feature at least one top notch story. This opinion will change over time.

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Generated: Mon, Dec 30, 2002