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Latest Movie Opinions

My Opinions on Movies I've Watched

On Watching Movies

Like most people, I like to watch movies. Due to my nature, I tend to go mostly for Science Fiction movies (note: not 'sci-fi' movies for reasons that will be given below), although I do watch action-movies as well as some 'contemporary' ones. But the latter really depends on reviews which I've read before-hand or on recommendations by friends.

Unfortunately, my definition of a Science Fiction movie is wildly divergent from most people's idea of a SF movie. To me, a SF movie is one where the situation in the movie (be it an action-movie, philosophical-movie, etc.) is based on scientific principles and requires the use of science to resolve it.

Compare this with the current crop of 'sci-fi' movies and you'll see how divergent it is. Current 'sci-fi' movies tend to:

There have been few movies that I consider as a Science Fiction movie. And, at the risk of alienating huge sections of readers of this page, I am sorry to say that the Star Wars and Star Trek movies are not Science Fiction movies by my definition.

Unlike my book or magazine review pages, my movie pages tend to be more of a personal opinion page rather than a review page since by the time I see a movie, odds are it has already stopped showing where you are. But please, read my opinions on movies to find out what I think of them.

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Generated: Thu, Jan 16, 2003