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My Web Design Philosphy

Call me strange, but having been involved with the Internet for many years and seeing the World Wide Web take off, I find myself getting somewhat disillusioned by what is happening with the web in general. To make up for lack of content, some sites have become very flashy, substituting look for content.

Some sites have become so browser (and even plug-in) specific that if you don't have the 'required' browser (or plug-in), you are left seeing a rude message like, "Get the latest Webscape Explorer, stupid!" or an error message like, "You need the MegaShocker plug-in to see this animation, stupid!" Other sites are so graphically or connection intensive for no good reason (has useless decorations) that those who don't have fast connections have to twiddle their thumbs or go for a cup of coffee while waiting for something to be displayed.

This is bad, because, in my opinion, it defeats the main purpose of the Internet: the distribution of the contents of a web site to the user regardless of the browser they use. Why must I put users through the frustration of getting the latest version of a browser (that may not even exist on their particular operating system) just so he/she can read my web pages?

So, in a (vain?) attempt to fight back, I've decided on a 'web design philosophy', which is outlined below, in designing my web pages. I also recommend you have a look at the web page design tips put up by the Web Design Group which formed the basis of my design philosophy also:

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Copyright (C) 1997-2002 Soh Kam Yung [Best Viewed With Any Browser]
All Rights Reserved
Comments to author: firstspeaker.geo(at)yahoo.com
Generated: Thu, Apr 11, 2002