Knights of Comics


Being a webpage maintainer for over a year, maintaining comic pages such as Wolverine's R.E.A.L.M., Shattestar Page, and Nova Express, I had found that one of the best way to help get the word out about your page is not only submitting links to your pages to search engines like Yahoo, Altavista, etc., but by joining a webring, too. These webrings links sites that shares the theme of the webring to each other, thus helping to get more people to see your webpages if they decide to search completely through a webring.

But as the comic webrings grew, I began to notice how many of the comic webring's aim was to get as much sites as possible to link up to the ring. This is a great way to help the people who are members of those rings to get more traffic to their website. But, as a result, more and more people are joining these rings with pages that just barely makes the cut as a true comic book / animation related page. The quality of these pages are suffering, and "ringsurfers" are beginning to ignore these huge comic webrings because they figure that "hey, these sites on this webring just aren't worth surfing through anymore because they're never updated and the site just doesn't have any new pictures or information that interests me."
Purpose of this Webring

The purpose of me creating this webring is to showcase the pages that are true, high-quality, comic and/or animation-related pages that with one glance at the page, the websurfer will know that the knight webmaster of this page has put countless number of hours into making his/her page one of the best out there. This includes comic books, anime/manga, and cartoon animation websites. What makes this unique though is that this ring will only showcase the best of the best. Only these pages that contains high quality images that are hardly found elsewhere on the web, information that will prove to be meaningful to the viewers of the webpage, and are updated at least once a month will be found on this page, for these ringmasters of these unique webpages are the true Knight of Comics. The keyword here, my friend, is uniqueness. Their webpages may not be huge (for I know the limitations of what people can do with their limited webspace), but their pages are those that are noteworthy of taking a look at because they're unique. Whether it be unique images, fan fiction, art, information, etc., only these webmasters whose pages that will make the websurfer leaving his/her page learning at least one valuable thing from that page rightfully earns the title of a Knight of Comics.

A word, my friend: do not be discouraged if you apply for membership to be deemed a Knight of Comics on this ring and is denied it. In fact, I highly encourage you to reapply for admission. All I ask is that before you reapply, put a little more effort into your webpage. Fix the links, add some refreshing new graphics that are hardly seen on the web. Include some new information that you might have just learned about your character / team / theme. All I require is that you put a little bit more effort on your page, and I don't mean just a 3-4 hour job on it. Effort, my friend, is when you devote countless number of hours doing research, created new graphics (I would consider editing other people's graphics as new, as long as it is visible that you have put some editing work into the pictures). Like in the past, squires were not knighted overnight. They had to put countless hours of both physical and mental training to earn the right to knighthood. In your case, all I ask is that you put effort into your webpage and that it has to be visible. That's all that I ask for, and if it is clear you have worked hard on your webpage, then and only then will you have earned the right to be called a Knight of Comics.
Arrow   Knights of Comics Webring

Arrow   Requirements

Arrow   Application

Arrow   Obligations