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Spells from the Den


The Den, the place to ask for those more subtle and sophisticated spells. Ask your Seattle Talismonger for directions.

Target Mana Barrier
Class: Manipulation
Type: Mana
Range: LOS
Target: 6
Duration: Sustained
Drain: [(F/2)+1]M
This spell acts like a Mana Barrier except that it has no area affect.

Finally you can be protected by a mana barrier and not keep everybody at arms length!

Forced Fashion
Class: Manipulation
Type: Physical
Range: LOS
Target: Obj
Duration: P(5 turns)
Drain: [(F/2)+2]S
This spell acts like the fashion spell except that the voluntary target requirement has been removed.

Ever wonder what would happen if the front guard of the pack chasing you turned around a corner and his mates find him wearing your clothing when they come round?

I've also seen this one used to put a kick-me message on somebodies leather jacket, as well as changing a gangers colours.

Sterilisation Field
Class: Manipulation
Type: Physical
Range: Limited
Target: 6
Duration: Sustained
Drain: [(F/2)+1]D
While active this Barrier acts as a sterilisation spell on anything that crosses it's boundaries. NOTE: Among other things, this spell acts as a guaranteed contraceptive.

Also prevents you from coming down with a bad case of ritual magic after being shot on a run.

Attuned Barrier
Class: Manipulation
Type: Mana (Area Effect)
Range: Limited
Target: Force(R)
Duration: Sustained
Drain: [(F/2)+1]S
This spell can only be cast on magical wards and barriers.
It works by creating a Barrier around the caster and then attuning the Barrier to the target so that the two merge, allowing all items within the area of the spell to pass through the target. The target number is the force of the target. During casting the target must be assensed by the caster. For each net success on the spell casting reduce the force of the target in the area of the overlap between spell and target by one. If the casters ne number of successes equals or exceeds the force of the target then the spell merges with the target, creating a doorway for as long as the spell is sustained. If the barrier has any net successes then the creator is alerted if he passes a perception test ith a target number of 2x(target force - net successes). If the casting is fumbled then the creator of the target barrier is alerted to the attempt to breach the target and the spell fuses with, and becomes sustained by, the target. In this case there is no breach in the target. NOTE: there is a traceable link between the caster and the merged spell for as long as either the target barrier or the merged spell exist.
Range Link
Class: Manipulation
Type: Mana
Range: Touch
Target: 10-Targets Essence
Duration: Sustained
Drain: [(F/2)+1]S
This spell sets up a link between the caster and a voluntary target. For as long as this spell is sustained the caster can cast spells on the target as if he were touching the target. The spell sent through the link only affects the target, even if it is an area effect spell. The maximum force of spells cast through the link is equal to the force of the link. The spell will always follow the path between caster and target which has the fewest obstacles. If the spell must go through a barrier (ward, locked door, etc.) the effective force of the link is reduced by the barriers rating. If the effective force goes below one then the spell collapses. When a spell is cast through the link the link glows and can be traced on a Perception Test with a target number of 2x(Link Force - Spell Force). If either of the targets of the spell are affected by a non-manipulation area effect spell then the other target is also subject to that spell if the spell can travel down the link. If the spell is of too high a force to travel down the link then the link is destroyed.

Fed up with Sam's expecting you to run into the line of fire to treat them? Just remember that if you really want to be hiding there is a distinct glow when a spell goes down the link.

Class: Manipulation
Type: Mana
Range: Touch
Target: Force
Duration: Instant
Drain: [(F/2)-1]M
When cast at a spell being sustained by the caster each success allows the caster to re-roll one of the failed spell success test dice for the sustained spell. The effects of the sustained spell are now based on the new number of successes. If either this spell fumbles or the sustained spell is fumbled as a result o the re-rolls then the sustained spell collapses.
Because casting and locking occur in the same action when a spell is spell-locked, locked spells can NOT be fine tuned. When quickening spells the magic pool first refreshes after the second quickening drain resistance test. Spells can only be fine tuned if the caster has managed to reduce the quickening time, and then can only be cast during the time which the caster would have removed due to the spell success test. Immediately after determining the quickening period the caster MUST state how often he wishes to fine tune the spell, up to the maximum number possible. The caster MUST then cast Fine Tune the number of times stated or else the quickening aborts. The second quickening drain resistance test occurs in the action after the final fine tuning, or if quickening aborts. All modifiers for sustained spells and damage, including incurred drain damage, apply normally.

Potentially very useful when quickening those pesky spells. Now the success is no longer entirely up to the winds of fate. Just don't get over-ambitious unless you have a soft floor to land on.

Class: Manipulation
Type: Mana
Range: LOS
Target: Force(R) or Target's Sorcery(R), whichever is higher.
Duration: Instant
Drain: [(F/2)-1]D
When cast at a spell being actively sustained each net success allows the caster to re-roll one of the spell success test dice for the sustained spell. The effects of the sustained spell are now based on the new number of successes. If the sustained spell is fumbled as a result of the re-rolls then the sustained spell collapses. If the spell has no successes left then it also collapses.

Ever looked into astral space and seen the edges of a detection spell? Ever identified it as detect enemies and wished for some way of getting around it without definitely alerting the casting mage to a hostile prescence? Here it is! Just remember to stop when the spell looks sufficiently blunted otherwise you might as well shred it to start with.

All the above spells come as is and neither the designer nor the vendor can be held responsible for any problems experienced when using these spells. Magic flows in different ways for each individual and these spells may just not sync with you're style.

Author's Note:
The above spells were designed by a fox-shapeshifter. Therefore when casting them the designer is always astrally perceiving. It is up to you to decide which ones require this but I suggest it should be all the ones which target spells since the target is in astral space and should be seen.

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