This page is my future OBE page. it is under construction, but it also waiting for me to Get OOB in the first place... I am considering on putting my OBE journal online as soon as I succeed to get OOB. For now, I can tell what is the basic thing to know to get Out of Body: the secret is to fall asleep, body&brain, by stopping to think, but staying countious. The challenge: not Fall asleep. The vibrations you could feel while trying are almost like if your head was plugged on an electrcal AC outlet. if you feel somthing similar, but you know its not like AC electricity, it is a deep state of relaxation... this means that the body is relaxed, but not your mind. the result is often a sound in your ears, then a big zap that makes you very countious, but not awake... (which means success) Those are basically general small tips I know about. I never got out countiously yet... but I think I often got out uncountiously... or while lucid dreaming... (being a bit out, but having a dream reality pulled over your mind, disableling you to see the real astral world...) ... anyway... enough was said... I think I may be putting my journal up sooner, and continuuing to update it as I go along... kindly receiving tricks... hehe. anyway. C ya!

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Vampire Nine Inch Nails
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