Well what is there to say about me. I am just an ordinary guy, brought up to believe in old fashioned ideas, and mix them with the modern world. To apply the "Code of Chivalry" in my everyday life. Always stand up for the good, the weak, and for noble causes. Always do what is "Right", Always come to the aid of a Lady, whether she truly needs it or not. Be a Gentleman at all times, regardless of the situation. Always treat a lady like a Lady, and a man like a Gentleman, until they prove otherwise. These are simple things to do in this world, and it makes a lot of difference of how others perceive you. Give them a try, if you don't already, you will be surprised.

I have had the pleasure of being married to one of the most wonderful women on this planet for the past 18 years, Lady Danube. Some of you know her already. She must be one of the best, she puts up with me! And she is the best mommy a kid could ever want. We have three wonderful kids too. They are Alyssa (Quillion in P.W.) who is 15, Courtney (Tuatara in P.W.) who is 11, and Joseph (Harley Man) is 6 1/2. This is the whole crew.

And for those of you that think I turned out alright as a person you have these two people to thank, as do I. My Mom and Dad. For without their guidence through life I am sure I wouldn't be the man I am today.

Some of you know from where I derive my name. I have been working in the nuclear power business for 20 years. First in the U.S.Navy, I served aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise (that's an aircraft carrier), and now I am employed by the South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company and have been for 14 years. I work as a supervisor in the maintenance department. If someone can break it, and they can, we can fix it. Below is the facility of which I helped build, start-up and now maintain.

The "little" pond you see to the right is about 40 acres, the "big" pond is on the left hand side and you can only see the edge of it. That is the main cooling reservoir and is 7000 acres of man-made pond. And let me tell you, since the water temperature stays so warm year round, there are some monster size fish in there, and NO!, that has nothing to do with radiation!!

If you would like to learn more about Nuclear Power and the power plant at which I work, Visit the Web Site of:

The South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company

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