Please allow some time for this page to load. There are quite a few pictures here, but it's worth the wait. Enjoy your stay. :{D

Hello to everyone who has come to visit this page. Once again a group of people from the Lair have gotten together to have a wonderful time in real life, and a wonderful time it was. We went to AstroWorld, it's one of the 6 Flaggs theme parks, and it's located in Houston, Texas. We spent the whole day there, rode a lot of rides, got pretty silly, and had a GREAT time. Below you will find a series of pictures of the group doing their thing.

NOW GWEN!!! Just what are you doing with your hand in Shmoo's pocket!! The money is in the OTHER pocket!!!

Now this is one killer ride..."The Dungeon Drop"...this thing takes you up about 200 feet and then just releases!! FREE FALL!!! it's such a rush! That is Paddler, Tuatara, Shmoo, and Sir Nuke all ready to go.

There we go!!!!!!! YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Shmoo and Tuatara about to take a ride on "The Viper" another killer roller coaster. I just love coasters that loop.

Shmoo and Quillion about to take off on the "Myan Mind Bender" it's a totally indoor roller coaster, in total darkness, that runs about 50 mph, another good one.

Now this is a trip! it's the "Ultra Twister" this coaster takes off and does three barrel rolls then goes up and stops and runs the course BACKWARDS! that's Sir Nuke, Tuatara, Paddler, and Shmoo.

Here is (from right to left) Quillion, Harleyman, Gwen, Tuatara, Shmoo, and Paddler. Getting ready to ride the "Gun Slinger"

There they are!! UP, UP, and AWAY!!! round and round they go!!!! lol they just loved the kiddie rides too!!

And teenagers wonder why their parents don't want them to drive!! lol You will notice that Shmoo and Gwen are hanging on for dear life!! ROTFLMAO!

Seems by the look on Paddlers face that Harleyman is doing a pretty good job of getting that car around the track, and he is only 7. I guess they don't go brain dead until they become teenagers!

Notice the sign just before this ride, and look at it closely....Don't ya just love it when people follow directions! LOL

Gwen thinks she is getting ready for a trip to Hawaii, lol. Harleyman really took to her......... CAN YA BLAME HIM!! WHAT A LOOKER!!!

Well it was a really hot day, we decided to take a break in the shade. hmmmm Paddler is getting kind of chummy with Danube, HEY !! STOP THAT!!

Harleyman decided to give it a shot at becoming the King! His sisters weren't much help.

Now here are all the crazies together. We got these Tweety Bird head gear thingys, thanks to Gwen, they light up and you should have seen the looks all eight of us got walking around in a group, after dark, all lit up....
now that was funny!!

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