The Eagle and I

How is it that this Eagle chick,

On mighty wings did learn to fly?

Not just by standing on the ground,

Watching others who've taken to the sky.

He learned through hard experience gained,

From trying many, new things on his own;

With each, individual success becoming

Yet another flying feather grown.

And, although these honors and accomplishments,

He has earned by striving on his own,

As he walked the trails and climbed the hills,

On his way to Eagle, he never walked alone.

And I was one of the fortunate few,

Who was there at the very start;

When he turned his face toward the sky,

And made Eagle the goal of his heart.

Yes, I was there to push and prod,

To teach and laugh and show.

And oh, so quickly did he learn,

It was really fun to watch him grow.

But no, I wasn’t the only one;

Oh yes, there were many others,

Who huddled through those rain soaked camps.

And in the Order, we became Brothers.

And though I taught him all I could;

All who know us both can plainly see,

Everything that I have given him,

Can never equal all he has given me.

Composed for

Aaron M. Sampson’s

Eagle Ceremony

March 9, 1996


Michael D. David

Assistant Scout Master

Troop 750