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This is Cydonia, its location is on the mars.  For a number of years now people have been pointing out the fact it has a face like object.  More recently pyramid like structures have been found here and mathamatical whizz kids have managed to come up with some amazing senarios about how it was created. 
Richard Hoagland is probably the man to ask when it comes to Cydonia.  He has been involved in the main body of the research often bewidering in how he manages to find link upon link that points to it being a message for us to see.  He has developed maps that seem to point that Cydonia is infact a map of places on earth.  The face of course dosent stand up on its own as anything more than a wonder of nature.  But there is certainly alot of questions to be answered. 
At the time of writing the Mars Global surveyor has just taken up its location in orbit around Mars, hopefully we will see new pictures of Cydonia in its glory.  The face will always hold its mystery and I for one hope that we can soon answer the question.  Is Cydonia a humanoid made object? or is it a natural phenomenum. 
Betty & Barney Hill
    The story of the abduction case of Betty and Barney Hill is featured in the  Important Cases area of Alien Hideout.
Betty & Barney Hill.

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