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Last updated 30/11/97

WARNING: This site is very much `Under Construction` - Please keep checking back :) Main design and some content completed.

The Reading Room

Some information on authors of fantasy and science fiction works. Links to pages about these authors and bibliographies, where possible, are included. Please note that there are links in the main body of the text as well as at the end. Click on anything suspicious! You can suggest authors that are not included, and they may end up on the page!

The Screening Room

Popular actors within the genre. Some mini-reviews of their films, biographical information, and links. It is possible to suggest actors for inclusion on this page.

The Gaming Room

Landmark computer games, mainly RPG and Adventure. Information on the games, reviews, and details on how to obtain some of them to play on the PC. Some information on emulators is included, but it is illegal to own disk/cartridge/tape images of these games unless you own an original, paid for, copy.


Information on this page. My aims for the page and disclaimers on content and copyright. E-Mail, suggestion form and Guestbook. Site History.

The Jukebox

The Jukebox. A selection of Midi files to listen to while you explore the site and read the text. More soon!


Links to other similar pages about Science Fiction, Fantasy, Computer Games and Emulators.

If you have any suggestions for improvements, error reports, bad links or just wish to contact me please use this link:

I can also be paged via ICQ. My number is 6690415 and clicking that will take you to my ICQ page, where you can send an instant message!

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