Welcome to Lucky's World, the growing Memoirs of a Vampire in the World of Darkness...

The pages contained within offer insight and information into the World of Darkness as experienced by Lucien Bertrand (Ex-Primogen, Ex-Warlord of Baltimore, and Acting Archon of Washington DC and Virginia) and told by the storytellers of Capitol Chronicles. I, author of this site, am but a chronicler myself in service to a character who is as much me, as I am him. I hope you enjoy the small pieces I share within these pages, at least as much as I enjoyed living them.


Fellow Kindred,

I welcome you my Domain on the 'Net. Here I hope to explain the laws by which I govern my territory and carry out the wishes of the Justicar and Inner Council. Here you will also find my life experiences--those I wish to share, in any case--captured in text. I hope you profit in reading them, as much as I did living them.

Lucien Bertrand, Acting Archon of Washington DC & Virginia

In service to Justicar Don Cruez, Clan Brujah