Dragons' Lair

This is buttercup this is Turog
This is Buttercup and her friend Turog.

Buttercup is from Downloadable Dragons. Turog is a dragon I created.(Please don't steal him!) To get a baby dragon of your own go to:

Dragons' Lair's Hatchery

I have many other pet dragons on my treasure page.

This is Laldra's page of dragons. All of my dragon friends are here, at the Dragon Lover's excite board.

The Excite Dragons
© Jenn Johnson '98

For a list of my dragon friends and pictures and info on all of them click on the picture above.

(It was given to my by my friend Myrror please don't steal it!)

Links to other dragon sites on the Web


Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!
Save the Dragons Campaign

|Webrings| awards| Main| The Hatchery| Pets| Excite Dragons|

My flying lizard

This is a picture I drew myself.

"The World of Pern" © Anne McCaffrey, 1967 any thing I said about Pern was not meant to be taken as a fact. The way I combined Pern and other things is not true to the Pern reality.

© 1997 MLC

. Please send any suggestions.

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