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Xcalabur's Lair |
to Xcalabur's Lair. since 11/29/99. |
This Page is dedicated to those robots who have made the ultimate sacrafice. I've got a lot of stuff on this site, so take your time and enjoy yourselves. Be warned, some of the stuff in my Lair is pretty graphic-intense, so please be patient while things load. Check out the links page for the best on the Web. If you have any questions, comments, etc., just email me below. Sign the log and give me some feedback. If you want to apply for my award, just scroll down to the link! All the pictures on the site are for personal enjoyment only; if you want to use them for any other reason, Email me at Xcalabur@rocketmail.com. Enjoy! |
Take a couple seconds and sign the log. |
HEY! YOU! Yeah, you. Do you like Legos? How about GI Joes? If you want legos or joes, or have legos to trade, click HERE to see my list. Not an advertisement, just one guy... trying... to make a difference...(sniff, sniff...) |
Xcalabur's Media Vault |
I've got sounds and (soon) movies from Beast Wars, Beast Machines, the WWF, Braveheart, quite a few movies and TV shows, and some misc. stuff. MORE COMING SOON!!! *Special note to the World Wrestling Federation: Hell yes I'm putting WWF Media on my page. As far as I'm concerned, any idiot knows I don't run the WWF and this is just free publicity for you guys, so you make more money. So, don't send me some damn email telling me to take them down. That's called monopolizing, you corporate bastards. Period. |
Beast Machines Pics |
Beast Wars Pics |
Pokemon Center |
Here's the Pokemon Stuff. Whether you love 'em or hate 'em, you gotta admit they're big. Please no Pikachu pictures. I HATE PIKACHU!!!!! |
This is the wrestling section of my world. My fave is Kane, as you will find out!!! |
The Boba Fett Archive |
The Gamer's Realm |
This is the part of the page devoted to videogames. There's general info, my halls of fame and shame, and other stuff worth checking out. |
The coolest Bounty Hunter in the galaxy is the focal point of this part of the page. Lots of pics, and some cool info. WARNING: There's a possibility of Episode II spoilers in the archive. Read at you own risk!!! |
Star Wars Humor |
Xcalabur's Gif Section |
Need a laugh while waiting for Episode II? Well, check some of these images out. I'm sure they'll tickle your funny bone. |
Back by Popular Demand! These are the coolest gifs on the web. They may take a while to load, but they're worth it! |
Updates |
The Real World |
I update the site fairly regularly, and I'll put the majority of the changes is this section. |
Go behind the name and meet the man who is Xcalabur... |
Hey you. Yeah, you. Since you're reading this, why don't you sign the guestbook. I'd appreciate it. Now get back to doing something productive, like trying to win my award! |
This is some of the best Shiznit on the Web. Check it out!!! |
Xcalabur's Dragon's Lair |
This is a part of the other page that houses my dragon gallery. The link above is the only way to get there. Check it out. |
The Braveheart Picture Archive |
A picture gallery for one of the best movies ever made. An absolute must see for fans. A small sample of what you'll see inside... |
The computer I sit at every day and waste time on supports |
E-mail me here! |
Get your own free page! |
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Beast Wars and Beast Machines are copyright Hasbro, Kenner, Mainframe Entertainment, Fox, and anyone else.. Pokemon copyright Nintendo, Game Freak, and 4 Kids Ent. Everything on this site came from somewhere else. Nintendo, Sony, Sega, Square, WCW(Goldberg pic), WWF(the Kane photos), the Professional Bull Riders Association, Lucasfilm, Rare, and a few others have copyrighted stuff on this page. Anything you see you can use, just give due credit to people, including me, since you got it from this site. I got stuff from Dru Mellon, the rest of the TF webring, Bobafett.net, The Odyssey of Hyrule, the Prime Factor, and too many other place to mention. Give these people credit, they do a damn good job. I HATE PEOPLE WHO TAKE SOMETHING FROM SOMEONE AND DON'T GIVE THEM CREDIT! This is all free publicity, I am in no way affiliated with the above people. This is in no way an official site. Now stop reading this and visit the rest of the page! |