
"Lesha," snapped the second officer to the blond girl.
She spun from facing him, and lifted her chin, turning her head to the left, placing her wrists behind her, as though for snapping them into slave bracelets.
Explorers of Gor - Page 76

The guard was behind me. “Lesha!” he said, Immediately, responsive to this command, I flung my wrists behind me, separated by some two inches, and lifted my chin, my head turned to the left.
Dancer of Gor - Page 365


"Nadu!” he snapped.
She swiftly turned, facing him, and dropped to her knees. She knelt back on her heels, her back straight, her hands on her thighs, her head up, her knees wide.
It was the position of the pleasure slave.
Explorers of Gor - Page 77

“Nadu!” he cried, loosening the whip coils on her throat. She swiftly knelt, back on her heels, back straight, head high, hands on her thighs, knees wide.
Explorers of Gor - Page 80


"Sula, Kajira!" said the man.
She slid her legs from under her and lay on her back, her hands at her sides, palms up, her legs open.
Explorers of Gor - Page 77


"Bara, Kajira!" he said.
She rolled quickly to her stomach, placing her wrists behind her, crossed, and crossing her ankles, ready to be bound.
Explorers of Gor - Page 77

“Bara,” said Mincon to Tula. “Bara,” said I to Feiqa. Both slaves went immediately to their bellies, their heads to the left, their wrists crossed behind their backs, their ankles also crossed. It is a common binding position.
Mercenaries of Gor - Page 145

“Bara!” he snapped.
I flung myself to my belly in the grass, putting my hands behind me, wrists crossed, and crossing my ankles, too.
Dancer of Gor - Page 415


I noted that the palm of her hands, so soft, so vulnerable, had turned on her thighs, so that they faced up. Among slave girls this is a common way of signaling need, helplessness, a desire to please.
Vagabonds of Gor - Page 209


I crossed my wrists beneath me and touched my head to the floor, exposing the bow of my back. It is the submissive posture of a slave girl who is to be punished. It is called Kneeling to the Whip.
Captive of Gor - Page 200

“Kneel to the whip!” said Samos.
Piteously she knelt, a slave girl. Her wrists were crossed under her, as though bound, her head was to the floor, the bow of her back was exposed.
Marauders of Gor - Page 13

“Kneel to the whip,” he said.
I obeyed. I put my head down, and, beneath my body, crossed my wrists, as though they were bound. My back was bowed, ready for whatever punishment he might see fit to administer to me.
Slave Girl of Gor - Page 436

“Kneel to the whip, Melpomene!” she ordered her. Melpomene then, sobbing, knelt, her legs close together, her wrists held crossed under her, as though bound, her head down, touching the floor, the bow of her back exposed, a slave girl awaiting punishment.
Fighting Slave of Gor - Page 284


“Bracelets,” he snapped. She put her head in the air and placed her hands behind her back.
Hunters of Gor - Page 146


A girl who is commanded to make slave lips, or who receives the command, "Slave lips," must form her mouth for kissing. She then, commonly, is not permitted to break this lip position until either she kisses or is kissed. Needless to say, a girl cannot speak when her lips are in the unbroken, fully-pursed slave-lips position. The command which commonly follows the "Slave-lips" command is, "Please me."
Blood Brothers of Gor - Page 111


“Standard binding position,” he said. I was prone. When a girl is prone, the standard binding position is to cross the wrists behind the back and to cross the ankles."
Slave Girl of Gor - Page 125


The kneeling position is, of course, a suitable one for slaves. A slave will normally assume such a position on entering the presence of her master or a free person. She will probably remain in it until permitted to rise. It is a common position, too, for her to assume when she is in attendance of a master, for example, awaiting his notice or commands. Too, she will usually speak to her master from this position, unless, of course, she is lying down, as in making her reports to him, inquiring as to his will, answering questions, and so on. Some masters approve it, too, for purposes of general conversation.
Blood Brothers of Gor - Page 246


She wore the "bonds of the master's will." Grunt had put her in them. She lay on her stomach. Her wrists were crossed behind her. Her ankles, too, were crossed. She was "bound." She could not rise to her feet. Yet there was not a rope or a strap on her body. She was "bound by the master's will." She could not move from this position unless, at the word of a free person, she was freed from it.
Blood Brothers of Gor - Page 248


"Your hands are now bound behind your back," he said.
"Yes, Master," I said. I must now keep my hands or wrists in contact with one another, and behind my back. I was now "bound by the master's will." I could not separate my hands or wrists from one another now without permission.
Dancer of Gor - Page 227


"Stay, Feiqa."
"Yes, Master," she said.
She would now keep her place, kneeling, as she was, until a free person might permit her to move.
Mercenaries of Gor - Page 52


There are many varieties of slave gags, and such. The simplest device for attaining this end is when she is "gagged by her master's will," which simply means that she is prohibited from speaking until given permission to do so.
Vagabonds of Gor - Page 321


I snapped my fingers and Ina hurried to me. As I had kept the palm of my hand up, she did not kneel. She stood happily before me.
Vagabonds of Gor - Page 327


I spread the first two fingers of my right hand and gestured downward, toward a place nearby in the sand. Immediately she knelt there, her knees widely spread.
Vagabonds of Gor - Page 328


“You may do obeisance, my dear,” said Kliomenes.
The girl rose to her feet and went to Kliomenes. She knelt before him, on the dais, and put her head down. Gently, softly, she licked and kissed his feet. She then rose again to her feet, backed away, and then, on the tiles, again knelt. She put the palms of her hands on the tiles, and lowered her head to the tiles. Then she straightened up, her back straight, assuming the position of the pleasure slave, though keeping her head bowed, deferentially.
Rouge of Gor - Page 299