Orbital Shipyards
updated 26/05/Y2K
High Admiral Jeremy welcomes you to to the Orbital Shipyards, where all specifications of Imperial craft can be found.
Shipyard is now 80% complete
The Capital Ships
Imperial Dreadnaught: a rather
old ship and very easily damaged....
Neblon-B Frigate: many commanders
of these ships defected, but now..
Carrack Cruiser: a fast
Correllian Gunship: designed for two things, fast and
Lancer Frigate: designed to combat Rebel starfighters...
Strike Cruiser: used for...
Interdictor Cruiser: with four
gravity wells...
Correllian Covette: long
history of service...
Victory Star Destroyer Mark 1: designed
with bombardment in mind...
Victory Star Destroyer Mark 2:
Imperial Star Destroyer Mark 1: strikes terror where ever it is
Imperial Star Destroyer Mark 2: far more powerful that ISD Mark 1
Super Star Destroyer Mark 1:
Super Star Destroyer Mark 2: the most powerful ship in the Imperial
The Starfighters
TIE Bomber
TIE Fighter: the most common of the TIE series of
TIE Interceptor : the only downside is that it has no shields...
TIE Defender:
the best Imperial fighter around...