Welcome True Believer!!!

This area is dedicated to bringing you the greatest and the worst moments in comic history.   Mass amounts of research and dedication and by diving deep into the comic world (as well as my wallet), I have been able to find for you the moments that shocked and amazed as well as made us think “What the HELL were they thinking”!!


Hal Jordan going insane.  The Kingpin driving Daredevil to the Brink.  The Green Goblin killing Gwen Stacy.  Here are the

Greatest/most memorable moments in comics

Captain America turning into a Man-Wolf, The Return of Norman Osborne. “What the Hell were they thinking!”


The Worst Moments in Comic History


The Sith War, Wolverine’s brain implants.  Half baked ideas and stories which could have been better or put differently:

The Nice Trys Department


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