Here is the list of all the Apathetic Press on-line comics to date.
Jack Scab is the flagship character of Apathetic Press, and as such has the most stories to date.
Lance MacDonald Canadian Samurai
This is the first 5 page story of everyone's favourite Canadian Samurai. For some reason this strip seems to appeal to people far more than anything else I've done. So, like the Kinks said "give the people what they want" I'm currently doing the outline for the second story KILL BNL, which will dovetail into some new Jack Scab material. Lance is fun to draw, but Jack's the BMOC.
The following are just short comics that aren't really part of any ongoing projects that I'm working on.
This was a short peice that originated with a trip to the Metro Toronto Zoo in the summer of 1998 or 99. There was a really sad looking bear in the Canadian exhibit, and we were joking that he'd be really dangerous if he had a chainsaw. The funny part was when we entered the Canadian/Amerivcan pavillion and saw that a chainsaw was included as part of the exhibit. The idea rattled around in my head, and resulted in this short strip that I posted in Februaruy of 2001. There was a recent episode of the Simpsons called "Brawl in the Family" that had a segment that was very similar to this, and Homer made a comment that used the exact phrasing of the title. Coincidence? Hmmmmmm.
An Important Public Service Anouncement from Rock and Roll!
This one is just a short strip for Rock and Roll lovers featuring the ultimate rock fan, Sean McRock! Pretty soon you will be able to hear Sean's versions of some classic 60's and 70's rock songs. Stay tuned!