<BGSOUND SRC="/khayman_darkchild/conan3.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Khayman's Artifacts and Arsenal
Soul Fetish (ankh): Mystic item made by khayman which upon contact with it's victim will rip the soul from them and store it's power within the silver ankh.  It may also be used for transferance of souls thusly it is thought that a greater purpose awaits this dark artifact, what it is few would know.
Ward VS. Demons (cross): A powerful device made by a tremere conclave for khayman, it rends attacks by demons impossible upon its bearers form. No demon spells work against him and it weakens any demons to the point that they may not physically rise up against him.
Soulless Body of Cappadocius: If you are Kindred you know what i'm talking about if not you don't need to know.  After being in khayman's charge for so many years only his family and perhaps a few of his most trusted emissaries know it's purpose.
Symbiotic Armor ( Agamemnos): Armor born of an ancient dark being which existed before the time of light, it is beyond the conception of good or evil. Khayman discovering it has harnessed its abilities and now uses its powers for his own ends, just as the symbiotic armor uses Khayman for life.The Armor grants its wearer access to the knowledge and events which surround any of the beings wearing armor born of the symbiote, in this case Khayman's family. It bends and folds light about it's wearer acting like a chameleon to hide the entity from visual accuity while at the same time allows even air to pass through its wearer at a cellular level so as to not even disturb the air currents surrounding him. This makes it nearly impossible to locate the wearer if he does not wish to be found. The armor can be altered into any form the wearer can envision from clothing, to weaponry to extra appendages, making it a highly versatile and useful tool for Khayman. The symbiotic entity also makes it to where it's wearer's blood replenishes keeping its bearer full of energy where Kindred powers are concerned. Born before light and the conception of good and evil it is not bound to them and thus allows khayman to walk in the daylight, to stand against truly holy powers, and at a more cellular level shift his own form since he is bonded to the entity just as the entity is a part of him. Agamemnos has spawned offspring symbiotes which have been given to Khayman's family once they had been found deserving of the armor. It binds Khayman to his children in much the same way the blood curse holds his family to him, for if Khayman's symbiote dies so to do the children of it pass away. Once bonded they cannot be removed form the wearer without death being instantaneous for both the wearer and the symbiote, due to their connection and bond to each others life force.