Last Updated: 8/10/99
Click Here To See How My Six Pokémon Are Doing In My Game Of Pokémon!
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I'm a Pokémon Trainer!


News Last Updated: 3/01/99
NEWS:The Gallery is UP. Full of my and a friends artwork, Very cool. Check it out when I finish the pages. I will keep you guys posted on its status.
STATUS: Chris's Gallery, is up, but only has two pics so far. Chad's Gallery, is starting to come up. I finaly got some pics from him, I just need to scan them.
NEWS: I've got some of my Pokémon drawings in my gallery, this is Chris just so you know where the POKéMON are.
2/28/99:I finally got back to working back on my site, there has been some difficulties with my Netscape, so I was not able to update my page. But its working now.
3/01/99:New Pictures were added in Chris's & Chads Gallery!!!
8/10/99: Sorry, to have Neglected you guys and this site, i actually have some UP AND COMING NEW PICS! Yes they are of my own, and still in the anime style as Pokemon. Well, I'll get on that ASAP. And Once again... I AM SORRY FOR FORGETING ABOUT YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE. FORGIVE ME PLEASE!

These Pics Are the Property of Chris & Chad. If you want copies of any of these Pics, just ask and they will be sent to you.Chris's E-Mail
I got some sounds that my friend and I made, wanna listen? Acutally the sounds aren't up yet, SORRY!!!

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