Special Thanks


There are many people that this girl has to be thankful to, countless friends, sisters, Masters.. who have helped this one on her road to discovery.. but there are a few who stand out in her mind and so, she offers a small word to each of them in hopes that it brings them a smile.

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Master Midian -- who first taught this girl what the Gorean Lifestyle was, who helped shaped and mold her into the person she is today. without this Master, nyxie would still be a naive girl who thought that what she wanted and needed was too weird to ever become a reality. without His love and teaching... her long though sometimes bumpy road would not have been possible.

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Master Ice--whos patience with this girl is the stuff of legends :) who kept a girl sane when life seemed to be crumbling around her and always was willing to listen, even when nyxie was wrong and who this one loves dearly. ("Even though he is really not a part of this webpage, I just *HAD* to add MastrIce because he is the most awesome Master in existence with the hugest cock imaginable, a body that makes Arnold look small...and..uh...a great great rock hard ass..and..hmmmm...") and since a girl was told to use that quote, by Him directly, and since nyxie is if nothing else an obedient slut.. there Ya go, Master.

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cyra{K} -- my slightly psycho friend whos kept me in the Tower for way too long. who once showed me Gor through the eyes of one just discovering it, bringing that stark beauty and wonderment with her vision. thank you cyra for showing me what i had almost forgotten so very long ago.

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all the students who put their lives and their sanity in our hands and actually thanked us afterwards. every girl is a joy. the trainers both past and present who have added their own flair and personality into the channel, who have truly made it a home away from home for all of us.

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one small note... k^t was originally brought about only for a select few who wished to trade ideas and help eachother and has grown so much since then.. thank you for making the dream of one humble slave into a reality.

-- nyx