Welcome to the Dragon's Eye Solar System

Silver Myrah'Care and her bond, Mystic Dragon, standing atop the Dragon Tooth Mountains

In the emptiness of space there exists pin points of light; the stars. Each star becomes a sun and each sun warms the worlds of it’s ever encompassing birth. Glowing soft and pale upon the eyes of beloved life, yet burning with the fire of passion that dwells in all hearts. In a remote part of the Universe, far from our reality of side walks and cars, there exists a pocket of space known as the Nexus. Within the shelter of it’s mythical borders and dream-made breath, numerous suns light the shadows of space like beacons of hope. Forever lit to love and protect the worlds of the Nexus. The worlds where dreams are reality.

No breath touches your lips nor tousles your hair as you float in the sense-deprivating vacuum of space. Your ears ring with the rush of sound, overpowering and deafening in it’s silence. Darkness, like ever present night, stretches into eternity everywhere you look. Only the gentle, peaceful glow of stars pierce the void of space, reflecting in your awe-filled gaze. There is no sense of up or down, right or left. For all you know, you could be floating in this nullifying black sky for the rest of your life... however long that may be now.

~Welcome, child of the stars.~ The voice fills your mind and soul, reaching deep into your being and forming an anchor there. Resonating and profound, it rings like a clear note struck from a brass bell high above your head. Slowly, the stars before you shimmer and coalesce into a great being that takes no colour but the blue and white light of the fires that create it.

Wings extend into infinity, rising and falling in the slow, unnecessary motions of flight. From the shoulders that work them come long, muscular limbs, tipped with talons twice as large as yourself. Gigantic spikes, large enough to be the sheltering hollows of mountain peaks, stretch down the creature’s back and end on a long expanse of tail that could wrap around a small world. Hindlegs dangle in the endless void, curled slightly beneath it’s scaled stomach. A massive, armoured chest gives rise to a thick, sinuous neck, ending the trail of spikes between the creature’s powerful shoulders. Atop the neck, framed by a mane of flowing hair, looms the face of a dragon, benevolent and wise for all his glory. Two more spikes rise from the middle of his angular face, accenting the ridge-shaped ears extending from beneath his mane. A tuft of seaweed-like hair floats beneath his chin. Of all his massive form, only his eyes shine with the light of a thousand lives, blue as the deepest sea and bright as the most precious sapphire. He speaks again with a warming chuckle to his booming tone. ~Stare not in wonder, child of the stars, for I merely come to greet you. Where are you?~ He asks rhetorically the second the thought forms in your mind. ~Why, you have entered the realm of the Dragon’s Eye? Here dwells my home, the world of Tris’Hath; and that of the hydras, the world of Sistarrist Drakan. I will bring you to either, but choose wisely. For once you set foot on either world, I may help you no more.~

You blink in wonderment, confused as to what worlds this great dragon refers to. Yet in the next instant, there they are; moving quietly in space around the golden warmth of a sun. Two worlds draw your attention. One is blue and green, healthy and overflowing with vitality. The other is dark and sinister, oozing a sickly green fog that surrounds the planet in a morbid imitation of an atmosphere.

~There are many places to choose from on Tris’Hath, though only one on Sistarrist. Choose and I will take you.~ The dragon instructs, waiting patiently while you study the images that come to mind, as if by magic.

On Tris’Hath:
The Warren - the main site
New Warren - Dragon riders
Drakmor Castle - records, stables, Ambassador suites and Tris’Hath knowledge
The Hathian Dens - Hathian dragon adoptions

On Sistarrist Drakan:
The Hydra Lairs - Hydra adoptions (not finished yet!)

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