All right, so I'm seraching the web when it hits me. I know of no place where you can adopt an X-Men or X-Forcer or anyone from Marvel(Please bring back Shatterstar). My solution? Since Marvel is probably too busy coming out with comics...I'll do it. All I ask is that you put a link to my page somewhere on the page along with the member(s) you adopt. Is it a deal? I hope so! Anyhow, here's the links to the people I have up so far. Drop me an e-mail at to give me a suggestion of who else belongs up here. Also if you think you have a better picture or a picture of a member that belongs up here than e-mail me and I'll add that picture so it can be adopted too!

I am looking for some fan artists to PLEASE send some of their art work in on ANY character under the sun! PLEASE!!!!! I want to change the adoption pics to orginial fan-art. (begging on hands and knees) PLease e-mail me at PLEASE!!! Anyhow like I said, and how the Dark Beast mentioned (We blow kisses at him), we want some fan-art to be adopted. PLEASE e-mail us.
First off, I need you to go click on the member you want to adopt. On that page should be the code that you need to place on your page. By the way, I suggest you copy this page now.

On that page yet? Good. Now, you can download most easily by right clicking on the picture and then clicking on 'Save Picture As'. You do this for the picture. If you want the adoption certificate though, of course there's an adoption certificate! Anyhow if you want it you have to e-mail me for it. (evil Grin)If you don't get the certificate, that's fine. You'll just have a lovely picture of what ever member you want. If so, go ahead and take the picture. Like I can stop ya anyhow. ; )

If you love me, and you DO love me don't you? PLEASE do not link directly to my server. PLEASE! Actually, if you write me and beg me to link directly to my server I'll probably let you get away with it, but PLEASE e-mail me first.

The last thing you do, go around the net and get things that will make your X-team member happy. In other words for like Shatterstar you ould get a tv, (large screen of course!), a pizza delievery person, weapons, and someone to battle, along with some time to stop and smell the "vegetation". Got it? Like you might wanna get a Jean if you get a Scott. Understand? Anyhow after you get a leat one other thing up there so your adopted member(s) won't be lonely then you e-mail me at one of these:, Raphs_girl@hotmail, or,
and I'll add your name to the links on my links page plus add yopu to the links under which one you adopted. You get the good part though! You get a X-team member!

Hello, this is the new operator of the X-team adoption center, Abuela. I will more than likely be doing all the updates from now on. UNforuantely I do not speak english very well. Therefore send all the e-mail to Nat and see will read them to me so I can understand them. She has done all the work so far, but we are both learning HTLM slowly. Anyhow I have decided it is not fair to have the adoption open only to people who own web pages, therefore, if you do not own a web page you can still adopt. All you have to do is send yuor name and e-mail address and Nat will add your name to a large adoption cerrtificate that you will hopefully share with people from all over the world. This is also for people to lazy to upload pictures. There is a warning added on to this though, some people might e-mail you. So there you are. You're warned.

Also I would like to add that we hope to enlage this so that characters from ALL universes can be adopted. Thank you for listening.
Nat, Abuela, And Blanco--our next project is the
X-team tarot cards.
All right, now for what ya been waiting for.

DC Comics

Image Comics

Marvel Comics

Mirage Comics

OH! We almost forget! Please visit our other pages, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shatterstar's Shrine
--where Nat and Blanco take obsession up to the next level. Trust me on this one. I think they might need psychiatric help! Anyhow he's Shatterstar from X-Force and he's their obssession. ;)

Raph's Fan Club
-Where Nat, along with her fellow Raphel lovers go when they want to overdose on Raphael from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. ;)

Please visit our other links page. This has some pretty cool web pages on it. Think yours belong her? Then e-mail me!

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Disclaimer: By the by, we own NONE of these characters! Nope, not a single solitare one. Marvel people belong to Marvel, Image people to IMage, DC people to DC, and Mirage people to Mirage.