Commander William H. Beard

Race: Extra-galacular alien species (Name Unknown)


Discovered on the single moon of Jasark VII in the Beta Quadrant on Stardate 27280.40 (April 13, 2350) by Captain Jacob Beard of the USS Star Runner. Beard (Age equivalent of 15 Terran Years,) along with three other children were sent to the Milky Way Galaxy as part of a species ritual called "The Proving." As part of The Proving, Beard's memories of his life prior to being found were blocked off by the Omega Guardian - the sentient, living starship that brought him - shortly before the alien starship died. Captain Beard was entrusted by the Guardian with taking care of Bill, so the human man adopted the boy.

Beard's natural form is humanoid, roughly 2 and a half meters tall, with glowing green eyes, 3 brain lobes, and has both a skeletal and an exoskeletal system (this makes him look like a human wrapped in gold-tan organic armor.) His exoskeleton is so dense that not even hyposprays can puncture it.Roughly 80% of his body is made of elements not located on the Periodic Table and gives him incredible resistance to toxins, radiation, and diseases. This level of resistance was noted in recent months when he was exposed to enough Theta Radiation from the Warp Core to kill 10,000 humans.

Commander Beard possesses incredible abilities: He is capable of Animate Transformation - Similar to Shapeshifting, but when the Commander changes nothing short of an extremely thorough medical scan can identify him for what he is. Beard also possesses a incredible level of mental abilities; surpassing a Vulcan Grand Master in power and verstility. He is also capable of limited telekinetic usage, though the full limits of this particular ability are unknown.

At age 18, Commander Beard entered the Starfleet academy where he dormed two men his own age who would go on to be some of the greatest officers in Starfleet: William Thomas Riker and Geordi LaForge.


Stardate: 33412.56 (2356)- Graduates from academy and is posted aboard USS Psions - an exploratory cutter.

39030.13 (2362) - Promoted to Lieutenant Commander after extraordinary service to his ship and crew. Transfered to the USS Hood, much to the dismay of the Psions's captain.

45674.86 (2368) - Transfered to the USS October as Chief Tactical Officer and Second Officer.

3/20/2374 - Promoted to Commander after actions aboard the USS October during the Battle of Earth with the Borg. Transfered to the USS Challenger as 1st Officer and oversees the last six months of the ship's construction at Utopia Planetia.

51734.24 (9/26/2374)- Challenger Launches.


  • 2353-2356: Attended Starfleet Academy and graduated a year ahead of schedule.
  • Family:

    Father: Status Unknown

    Mother: Status Unknown

    No other known immediate family in Milky Way Galaxy.

    Located Kara, one of the three other children, during recent battle at Starbase 28. Kara was discovered by the Founders and served them until Bill got her out of that situation. Kara is Commander Beard's betrothed from an agreement between Bill and Kara's parents, but this relationship is on mild hiatus until Starfleet Intelligence clears her.