A Salutation and a Brief Warning
There is a remarkable public bias against what is commonly
referred to in occult circles as the Left Hand
Path. Many people attach such terms as "Satanism", "Evil",
"Perversion" and so forth to it, without considering
the essential nature of that which their accusations
are leveled against or the terms they choose to employ.
As this is the first issue of a publication professing
a "modern perspective on time-honored traditions
of the Left Hand Path," it should be in our best interests
to provide a clear definition of the Left Hand Path
for those unfamiliar with it. The term Left
Hand Path was a slang term utilized by renowned occultist H.P Blavatsky,
employed by her to denote magical practices she did
not agree with on supposedly moral grounds (in
Tantric sexual ceremonies, the female assistant was always placed to the
left of the male celebrant; apparently sexual magic
practices were reprehensible in Blavatsky's eyes).
At some point in time, the term Left Hand Path became synonymous with
Satanism, and Black Magic in general. As practicing
Black Magicians,
we have a more practical, experience~oriented
definition, which is not based on purely subjective moral codes as has
been done previously. Now, and for the record, this
magazine's editorial standpoint on the Left
Hand Path (LHP) is defined thus:The initiatory path which has, as its goal,
the fullest development of the singular self
into what may be perceived as a divine state of being, via
antinomian and psychecentric methods. This Path is
in direct opposition to the Right Hand Path (RHP)
goal of seeking a merger of the self or the consciousness with another, external
entity (such as nature, the Universe or any
of this world's myriad gods).The purpose of this
publication is not to sway others to our side. That
is a task for many RHP traditions, whose adherents
proselityze to either gain seats in heaven, or add another destroyed ego
to the melting pot of souls called the universal
consciousness. To perhaps offer a better take on this,
look to Star Trek: the Next Generation and the Borg
race.A collective consciousness, or in other
words, several distinct physical entities without identity
and singularity, functioning as a singie mind.This
is the aim of RHP traditions on more or less a literal scale. Either way,
it spells disaster for individuality. On the
LHP proper, we find many intelligent individuals
(and we use the word with precision) who are bent on
self-godhood, with no god to bow before or be
subservient to.'What we are attempting to do
with this publication is to offer to the public a hopefully original view
of the LHP. There is no such thing as a person who is a bad representative
of the LHP, with the exception of someone who lacks personal ethics or someone
who spends most of their existence imitating others, embarrassing themselves
through their mimicry. Our personal endeavor is to offer a forum for those
whose approach to the LHP is imaginative or those who, through some degree
of antinomianism on their part, may serve to further inspire those already
travelling the LHP. It should be noted that we have no desire for
Psychecentric to become the official mouth of any one organization or the
other professing to be Black Magical in orientation. Although affinities
often reveal much about an individual's character, we prefer to judge the
worth of a person based not on such considerations, but by their own merit.
We do however, judge the value of institutions by the observable fruits of
their labours, and their official policies relative to that of fulfilling
and maintaining the objectives of the LHP. For those who have never walked
on the LHP or those who are curious as to what its all about, we strongly
suggest you pay attention to the contents of this issue and many more to
come. May our endeavor serve to inspire you, if you can be brutally honest
with yourself as to whether or not your genuine goal resonates with the stated
aims of the LHP. The worst reason in the world to tread the LHP is becanse
it is popular in some circles. If you decide to do so for the sole reason
that you are into horror films or because you happen to be a fan of Marilyn
Manson, you may quickly find out that you are in the wrong racket and end
up hurting yourself in subtle, yet significant ways. Beware and Be
Aware, friends! Caveat Emptor! Letters to the Editors, comments and opinions,
for good or for ill, are always welcome. However, if it is controversy you
wish to initiate with this publication serving as an unwitting agent, it
will be our pleasure to ignore you as yet another insignificant bundle of
living tissue. It has taken us quite a while to get this debut issue out,
and we have no intention of stopping yet. So until the next issue, read and
enjoy and may you discover yourself in truest Darkness. Vale!
Psychecentric #1 is a 60 page digest-sized publication, and is available for $5.00 plus $1.00 (Canadian) for shipping. Please make cheques and money orders payable to J. Davison.
Psychecentric Magazine P.O. Box 26142 Kitchener, Ontario N2H 6T4 Canada