For those of you who have been to my site, you may realize that things have changed
considerably. This new format, I believe, makes the site a bit better to navigate. If
you experience any real problems, please contact DVORAK or Ergsk, for my
external Hyperlink receiver doesn't function as it should. If you experience any
difficulties contacting DVORAK, it might be because the Empire is refusing to
forward my mail again. Ergsk may be even harder to reach, having had problems
as of late due to 'her' relocation to the surface of Planet Junk. You can find out more
information in the Crew section under the index of Planet Junk.
As for other things... Well, things have been going okay. We have added a new
transmitter to our stock of things. I must say, however, that the trip to the
Odyssey in the 'rocket' built by Orguss was taxing indeed. I thought we would
disintegrate on the way back in. We updated the transmitter while in orbit, editted
the old answering machine message, brought a few more of our tool cases with us
and brought the main sections of Ergsk down also. We will have to make another
trip when we get the chance.
Okay, enough rambling.