Sailor Moon

Ok here's the Dealie.. Serena/Usagi, an ordinary 14 year old girl. Just like every other blonde in the world,, klutzy crybaby,, airhead you know the dealie. *Not making fun of blondes or anything* She recieves her powers from a cat,, not any regular cat,, no a Talking Cat! woah lookie there,, something you dont see everyday. Actually Serena found Luna *the cat* but luna insists that she found serena,, well actually she did,,in a way,,because serena was sailor moon and all. After Serena is done freeking out that a cat is talking to her,, she recieves a locket from the cat. Luna, tells serena to shout,, MOON PRISM POWER! and a whole little song and dance music turns on and serena turns into SAILOR MOON! Something I dont get though,, all she does is get her clothes changed,, when she transforms and people dont recognize who she is,, common now,, thats like.. Someone changing clothes and your like,, WOW who are you?!

Anyways,, Serena/Usagi, gets powers along with the great suit that she has when she transforms. Her powers help her in her quest to fight evil and find the "Moon Princess". Whats this you say? what moon princess? well,, Luna you know the cat, says this big story on how evil and all is trying to take over, and they need to find the moon princess to help with things. Serena,, now Sailor Moon fights evil forces, the monsters,, controled by the Evil Queen Beryl. At first the enemys are easy, all serena has to do is throw her little Tiara at them and there,, how shall you say,, *Moon Dust". Over time luna discovers new scouts,, Sailor mercury venus, mars jupiter, who are all mostly way better at fighting than serena is,, at first. Serena also runs into a guy named Darien who is also the legendary Tuxedo Mask, who had always helped serena out when she was fighting evil. The whole reason why the Negaverse *bad people* were evil, was because they had to steal energy from people to make thereselves Stronger. "Whats so bad about this?" you may ask.. Well,, if you steal All of a persons energy,, there Dead,, you know,,croak. There also after the Imperium Silver Crystal. At this point Serena finds out a Whole stack of info she never knew before,,such as, she has a Very Extraordinary past that goes back 1,000 years! also she was about to get married to Darien,, Tuxedo Mask in there time. Dude,, i know thats kinda weird, shes only 14 and being married? well,, they say that she was fixing to marry him,, i hope they meant when she was Just A maybe A Little Tad BIT older. She learns that a thousand years ago the moon kingdom was ruled by Queen Serenity,, *her mom* untill the evil forces of the negaverse decided to try to take over the universe,, Queen Serenity didnt like that too much,, common now,, would you?! Well she had Really Super awsome powers and she was able to repel the invasion, but only by killing herself and sending all of her court,, you know the scouts and all, and the imperium silver crystal to the future on earth. SO,, REALLY,, Serena was only a scout cause her Mommy was the Queen. Also to everyones suprise,,are little Serena is not only , Sailor Moon she is also the girlfriend of Darien,,Dude he is FINE! Not only that but also she is a princess. Also the scouts,, you know mercury venus and all,, were princesses of there own planets. But the moon was like the Ruler. The only boy is Tuxedo Mask and he is the sailor of Earth i guess. At the end,, Serena saves the day with the help of her friends,, it was a Really big battle against Queen Beryl,,the evil lady,, dude this lady had Fangs! Everyones memory is erased and they are all sent back to earth to live as ordinary girls,,, UNTILL,, DO DO DOOOOOOO,,, what another EVIL VILLIAN!! guess what happens from then on,,, Very Interesting,, im not going to spoil anymore for you. =)