to the
4Ever Friends Webring
Hello and allow me to intorduce our site. This is the homepage for the new webring called 4Ever Friends. We are a small network of people throughout the world. But we have all come to know one another through conversing on the net, via IRC, AIM, and Email.
We are constantly meeting new people and starting what we feel will be everlasting friendships. One way we can always keep in touch, is through our various, and diverse webpages.
There is no set guidelines for the webpages, as long as they meet netiquette rules. ie: no racism, nudity, pornography, and the like.
If you would be interested in joining this ring, please go ahead and submit an application. As I said befre, we are a diverse group and if we dont know you now, we are bound to get to know you later.
The 4Ever Friends Webring has moved since the Yahoo! takeover of what the Webring Orginization had improved upon since it was bought from Starseed.
If you would still be interested in joining this webring, then point your browser to it's new location on a non commercial, ad-free, no selling of your information to others, totally independant webring service it now resides. You can submot your site at the NEW location by clicking here .
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My name is RM, and I own a GRRREAT ring!
Below is the Award we offer for our 4Ever Friends Webring sites. If you feel you are deserving of this award, and are a member of the 4Ever Friends Webring, please email me with your site ID, and url. I will evalute your site and review it for this prestigous award.