I'm a freakin'


(Please send me an email if you have any questions about anything you see on this page!  I would be glad to make a couple of referrals for you!  I also love to chat with other fellow costumers with similar interests!  Please write!)

Standard items & Weaponry

(Click picture for larger view)

AWESOME Sand Trooper backpack, constructed by Mike Glover.  Made from various household items, this backpack will be a very cool addition to my Sand Trooper outfit which it will be hanging from hopefully within the next couple of months.   It's going to be a work in progress, as I'll be adding more items/stickers to it.   Please send Mike a note if you're interested in obtaining one!

(Click picture for larger view)

Here are 2 views of a set Sand Trooper Binoculars I own.  You can easily make these yourself by purchasing this toy at Target, and just by painting it white. Don't forget to add a lenscap to the front! The Binocs have been "weathered", and contain a little view screen with electronic sights & sounds (sub or tank game). They're a good alternative for all you Sand Troopers out there... plus, you'll probably be able to make this for MUCH cheaper yourself than for what I got ripped off for paying for this...

(Click picture for larger view)

Here are 2 views of the INCREDIBLE prop replica of a Storm Trooper Standard Blaster! (Jedi edition)  This, sofar, has been one of my favorite pieces... It's constructed out of resin and weighs about 2-3 pounds. It's painted black, and has fine detailing on it to make it look a little worn in! What a great piece!


Standard Trooper Outfit

Here is a depiction of me in my Storm Trooper outfit!  These shots were taken right before DragonCon'98!  Just gearing up to make sure everything was cool!  This suit was obtained through Armor F/X.  Compared to the other suits out there that I have personally laid my eyes upon, I believe this suit to be the most detailed, and the most beautiful suit of all.   Thanks Armor F/X, for making my dreams come true!!!  :)

Just another closeup shot of the front... you can blame my wife being picture happy that day.  :)

A nice closeup of the helmet.  The die-cut decals are incredibly detailed, and on the inside you will find a hard-hat liner (instead of the foamy material), which keeps your head much cooler, and much more comfortable when wearing the helmet for an extended amount of time!

Nice shot of the backside of the suit... As you can see, it wears very well!  I was 205lbs and 6'1" in this picture (for reference purposes)... You can also note the awesome leather holster hanging from my left hip.  The blaster being carried in there is the Kenner blaster painted black... A good alternative for when the young kids come up and drop your blaster.  ;)

A nice shot from the side... just to show you a bit more of the detail that goes into this suit!

Ahhh... TK827 unmasked!  Whew... Even with the hard-hat liner, it can get hot under that helmet... While at DragonCon'98, I noticed that you can stay cooler by walking around, instead of standing still.  Why, you ask?  Well, by walking, you create a small breeze that filters some air through your helmet, and also evaporates some of the sweat your bodyglove is trying to expel... :)  But DAMN was it FUN!  :)  Thanks to all you who showed up!

More TK827, different worlds!

This really cool pic was made by a person (Joe) who decided to do a little editing on one of my already existing pics, and stick me in some BIZARRE world!   :)  I think it looks incredible!  Thanks so much Joe!



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