May 24, 2002

I'm back! I'm working on a story right now in addition to doing some on the job training, so I'm pretty busy. I saw Episode 2 and I think I may have let the hype get me. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to see it again, but you know what? Anakin was even more whiney than Luke! Anyway, back to my story. I'll post it as soon as it's done.

April 29, 2002 0010

Well here it is! The first real effort to do anything with the site. Welcome!

Now the news: For those of you that didn't know, I'm going to Atlanta for a couple of weeks. I've started a new job, and they are shipping me down there for training. I'll be leaving the 5th and won't be back until the 21st, and I don't imagine I'll have access to a computer while I'm there. That means that now that I've got the ball rolling with this site, I have to step back and let it sit for a while.

In case anyone didn't know, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones comes to theaters on May 16th. Unfortunately, I am going to be right in the middle of my training, and I doubt that I will get to see it on opening night. I currently work in a bookstore, and I've heard and (accidentally) read quite a bit about this movie, and it appears that it is going to be light-years better than SWEI:TPM. I personally can't wait.

This Website is currently under construction. I Haven't had much time to play with it, so it might be a while, especially since I've got so much going on right now. If you want to contact me while I'm working on the site, e-mail me at