Well now that you've seen the incredibly bizarre things my brain can vomit up when it wants, give me some feedback. Any special cartoon ideas? Anything you'd like to submit? Don't worry, I don't steal art, I do my own. If I use someone else's art I give credit where credit is due!! This page isn't necessarily about Eyee, it's mostly about the fine art of "virtual mutilation"--the art of taking your frustrations out on fictional characters so as to leave the real world unharmed. Hell, after that last statement, I almost bought my own load of crap there! Anyway, fill the form out with as much or as little crap as you want, then hit submit. The CGI script will take care of the rest. If you want to contribute a picture or animation or something, send your cerebral puke to snarlsnap@yahoo.com. Otherwise this form should take care of all your needs!