Miscellaneous Crap

As promised, here's the huge pile of crap for you to roll around in! These are all just a bunch of still images, though some of these eventually provided the inspiration for my animations. Don't expect any Leonardo da Vinci class artwork here, this was done with windows paint. Oh bite me, you sack of crap, I don't have time to listen to your complaints. Remember, YOU came HERE, not the other way around! Do I have to..oh, what? What! You talkin to me?! Come here, you little piece of--*POW* Suck on that! *BLAP* Yeah, did you like that?! *BUFF* Have a little of that! Yeah! Now pick your bleedin ass up off the ground, and quit staining the rug. It lacks class. And don't worry about thsoe teeth, I'll have them dislodged from my boot, clean them up, and sent back to you.


Show me a picture of VIEW IT!!

Please note that two images were taken from Rotten.com, and I claim absolutely no rights to these pictures. Regardless of the crap I may want you to believe, I was neither the photographer nor the cause of these incidents. If you know either of the people in these photos, rest assured that you are not next on the list. Unless you ARE next on the list, which I have no control over. If you are next on such a list, I advise you to run like hell and not look back.