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You step into the mysterious castle, not quite sure what to expect. You are in a large, dark hall. The only light comes from an open door at the end of the hall.
"Come in, come in!" a voice calls. The voice is coming from the room at the end of the hall. So you cross the hall a little timidly and enter the room. When you enter the room, you stop in surprise and gasp. The room is huge and filled with books! Bookshelfs reach all the way to the top of the ceiling, and each is completely filled. A staircase winds its way up the room to a landing, where there are several closed doors.
"Welcome, traveler. Do you seek shelter from the night and the storm?" the voice draws your attention to a person sitting in the chair. Judging by the voice, it is a young woman, but you couldn't say for sure, because the person is wearing a red robe and a hood.
"Yes. I saw your castle and was hoping you could perhaps offer some shelter..." you start. The person stands and walks toward you.
"Yes, yes. You may stay the night. But I've been rude. Allow me to introduce myself," the person throws back her hood and you see that indeed, it is a young woman. A very beautiful woman with long, flowing blond hair and vibrant violet eyes. She smiles slightly, "My name is Princess Maralena of Aureus, and I am the Pagemaster." You gasp in surprise,
"But, but... the pagemaster..." you manage to stammer. Her smile widens,
"But the Pagemaster is just a story? No, no. The Pagemaster is not just a story . Perhaps, one day, I shall tell my story. But not now. You are tired. You have traveled a long way. You need food. But first, you may ask me one question." Just one question? you think. How could you choose just one out of the so many questions you wish to ask? But you decided and ask,
"What is the Pagemaster?"
"A worthy question. The Pagemaster is the guardian of the written word and keeper of the history. In this castle, there is a copy of everything ever written, along with the history of this planet. You are welcome to stay and explore a while. But I have things I must do. My assistants will show you around." As if called by some unknown means, two people step out of two doors at the top of the stairway,
"You need us, mistress?" They ask in unison. The Pagemaster beckons them down the stairs. Soon they stand behind her, gazing curiously at you.

"Please show our guest the castle. Oh, these are my assitants, Calliope and Thalia. Calliope is the Guardian of the Present and of Literature and Thalia is the Guardian of Stories and Poetry." The two guardians bow to you,
"Follow us," they say. You follow the up the stairs. Here they pause and gesture to the door, "Pick one." So you read the signs on the doors, trying to decide which one to pick.

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Created on May 30th, 1999.

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