>>>>>>>>     Whatever

    Here are some of my favorite quotes. Enjoy!

"Only the foolish believe suffering in just wages for being different." - American McGee's Alice

"What is sought is most often found, if it is truly sought." - American McGee's Alice

"Only the insane equate pain with success." - American McGee's Alice

"Every adventure requires a first step. Trite, but true, even here." - American McGee's Alice

"When the remarkable turns bizarr, reason turns rancid." - American McGee's Alice

"Time to raise some havoc. The dogs of war are loose." - American McGee's Alice

"Only the savage regard the endurance of pain as a measure of worth." - American McGee's Alice

"The uninformed must improve their deficit, or die." - American McGee's Alice

"Seek and ye shall find they say. But they don't say what you'll find." - American McGee's Alice

"Confront what frightens or offends you. Reckless or insulting talk should never go unchallenged." - American McGee's Alice

"Wonderland, where are you now?" - American McGee's Alice

"Steps to enlightenment brighten the way; but the steps are steep. Take them one at a time." - American McGee's Alice

"A rope and a net would be handy. And a circus career. Your limbs and imagination will have to suffice." - American McGee's Alice

"Go with the flow. Whatever floats will do." - American McGee's Alice

"Only a few find the way; some don't recognize it when they do; some don't ever want to." - American McGee's Alice

"A familiar face wouldn't be unwelcome." - American McGee's Alice

"Whatever says too much of a good thing must be bad, tells a lie." - American McGee's Alice

"Curiosity can kill I suppose; but apathy is lethal." - American McGee's Alice

"Paths that end in trouble are all the same. They only appear different when you don't know where they lead." - American McGee's Alice

"There's an ugly name for those who do things the hard way." - American McGee's Alice

"Doors have locks, locks need keyes, which you don't have. Let's hope the doors are open." - American McGee's Alice

"I've heard self-reliance is a virtue. Now you've heard it." - American McGee's Alice

"This simple game can turn distinctly nasty. Don't ever play alone." - American McGee's Alice

"Look straight ahead or askance. Whichever way you choose, you must always look the right direction." - American McGee's Alice

"Don't loose him. He's not the brightest star in the galaxy but he shines at one thing" - American McGee's Alice

"Every picture tells a story. Sometimes we don't like the ending. Sometimes we don't understand it." - American McGee's Alice

"For every task there is a proper tool; sometimes more than one." - American McGee's Alice

"As knowing where one is going is preferable to being lost, ask. Rabbit knows a thing or tow and I myself do not need a weathervane to tell which way the wind blows." - American McGee's Alice

"When is a croquet mallet like a billy club? I'll tell you; whenever you want it to be." - American McGee's Alice

"He is human so he will be judged by human law." - Miyu

"Life may have no meaning. Or even worse, it may have a meaning of which I disapprove." - Ashleigh Brilliant

"I'll sleep when I'm dead." - Warren Zevon

"I have had dreams and I have had nightmares, but I have conquered my nightmares because of my dreams." - Dr. Jonas Salk

"If you tell a lie, don't believe it deceives only the other person." - Unknown

"You need to learn to be happy by nature, because you'll seldom have the chance to be happy by circumstance." - Lavetta Sue Wegman

"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it." - Winston Churchill

"The five most essential words for a healthy, vital relationship: "I apologize" and "You are right."" - Unknown

"Truth comes out of error more easily than out of confusion." - Francis Bacon

"Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it." - Katherine Whitehorn

"Everyone seems normal until you get to know them." - Unknown

"I have an existential map; it has you are here written all over it." - Steven Wright

"My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right." - Ashleigh Brilliant

"Misfortune, no less than happiness, inspires us to dream." - Honore De Balzac

"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life." - Immanuel Kant

"If he or she says that you are too good for him - believe it." - Unknown

"Most plans are just inaccurate predictions." - Ben Bayol

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." - Alan Kay

"I've learned to pick my battles; I ask myself, Will this matter one year from now? How about one month? One week? One day?" - Unknown

"Keep your fears for yourself, but share your courage with others." - Robert Louis Stevenson

"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards." - Soren Kierkegaard

"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." - Mark Twain

"Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win." - Jonathan Kozol

"Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage." - William Ellery Channing

"They are able because they think they are able." - Vergil

"Be wiser than other people if you can; but do not tell them so." - Lord Chesterfield

"Democracy does not guarantee equality of conditions - only equality of opportunity." - Irving Kristol

"No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking." - Voltaire

"It is better to be defeated on principle than to win on lies." - Arthur Calwell

"A person needs only two tools in life: WD-40 and duct tape. If it doesn't move and it should, use WD-40. If it moves and it shouldn't, use the tape." - Unknown

"Can you see into the darkness of the heart? I want to keep it Dark." - DN Angel

"We close our eyes slowly
nestled in our wings
awaken from the daze
and realize
this was all a dream
and the nightmare has ended" - Angle Sanctuary

"The basement store was removed from the main road by a maze of side streets. To reach it, one had to go down a flight of steps to the cute little door. Sweet exotic scents filled it's every corner...as if someone was making candies in a Chinese import store. Dizzying music pulsated and bounced of the loud pink walls. There was an old bar, and a pool table...and three sewing machines. It was like a secret hideout. They called it their studio..." - Paradise Kiss

"Don't think the world revolves around you. I'll make you so in love with me...that every time our lips touch, you'll die a little death." - Paradise Kiss

"When I think about it, George haas no reason to call me. There's no reason for him to take me seriously. Even if I beg him and cry my eyes out...the situation won't change unless I change." - Paradise Kiss

"As long as I'm with this man who holds a whip in one hand and candy in the other, my life will never be peaceful." - Paradise Kiss

"The only reputation riding on thhis...is my own. I'm not doing this for anyone else. It's my life. From now on, I make the rules!" - Paradise Kiss

"You're the type of guy...who'd die before pledging eternal love. You're just filling me with silly pipe dreams" - Paradise Kiss

"When I'm with him, I feel like I'm going to break into a thousand pieces. I'm a mess! But when I'm not with him, I'm so lonely, I feel like I'm going to break into a million pieces...or more." - Paradise Kiss

"I'll work hard, this time I won't lose. No matter how hard it gets, I won't run away. I'll grab the future with these hands." "I won't think that. I'll never think that again. I'm sick, too...of a guy like you who doesn't know the meaning of love. I just wanted to be by your side" - Paradise Kiss

"I won't let you regret choosing me...I'll walk proudly so that people will envy my confidence." - Paradise Kiss

"I'M BI!! COME ONE AND ALL!" - Paradise Kiss

"Don't think the world revolves around you. I'll make you so in love with me...that every time our lips touch, you'll die a little death." - Paradise Kiss

"I hate people like you who only complain because they can't do anything about it. But basically I still like you. I just want you to understand that." - Paradise Kiss

"Welcome Home, George. Do you wannt dinner? Do you want a bath? Or...Do you want me?! Hmmm....I DEFINITELY want you." - Paradise Kiss

"I don't like white. It pretends to be so pure and clean, but will become any color! It's the color that seduces me the most. I can't keep from taking it by force." - Paradise Kiss

"I'm not trying to be a scientistt. I just want to be an illusionist who shows people a living dream" - Paradise Kiss

"I wasn't able to be born as a girl...but when I dressed like a girl, a great determination was born in me...like magic. Beautiful clothes give people confidence and courage. I've continued to help George make clothes with that belief in mind. Has the magic come over you yet?" - Paradise Kiss

"No one can be completely sure of their own will. Everyone is worried and confused and influenced by the ideas of people around them. And if it's someone you're in love with, then it's even more so, isn't it? It's natural." - Paradise Kiss

"I have to say...you've fallen in love with quite a lovely rose." - Paradise Kiss

"I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost

"Destiny, chance, fate, fortune - they're all ways of claiming your successes without claiming your failures."

"A skilled decoy can throw your enimies off your trail. A master decoy can survive to do it again."

"In times of war the victors rarely save their best for last."

"The fatal flaw in every plan is the assumption that you know more than your enemy."

"Flying like a bird does not make you free as one."

"No one can catch what won't be caught."

"The tide of battle favors those who can swim."

"Everyone knows that to ward off trouble, you knock on wood. But usually it's better to make a wall of wood and let trouble do the knocking."

"Insult, like and arrow, is beyond control once loosed."

"It is nature that gives us our boundaries and nature that inforces them."

"You can run from your pain, but you will tire before it does."

"Hope is the one crop that can grow in any climate."

"Life needs no encouragement"

"Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do."

"We are many wicks sharring a common tallow."

"Where do you run when the earth becomes your enemy?"

"Union may be strength, but it is mere blind brute strength unless wisley directed" - Samuel Butler

"As the brough stretches, so shall you grow. As the roots spread so shall you thrive."

"The mountian ducts will be like organ pipes, amplifying the glorious roar of the dying."

"O! it is excelent; To have a giant's strength, but it is tyrannous; To use it like a giant." - W. Shakespeare

"Age wears the flesh but galvanizes the soul."

"Death free throat from thirst, moth from speech, feet from earth."

"Rarely be the prey so haughty as to hunt the hunter" - Baron Sengir

"The powers of the currupt will fade before the fury of the pure." - Bethan Leitbur 'The Way'

"One cry of warning can save nine of suprise."

"Whoever obeys God and His Prophet, fears God and does his duty to Him, will surely find success." - The Qur'an 24:52

"A sickness stirs in its eyes, a nightmare born in darkness wails."

"There are terrors lurking in the unseen corners of us all."

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