World of Warcraft

I also use to play World of Warcraft, but not nearly as much as I did Final Fantasy XI. Final Fantasy is a better game, but it's much more complicated and takes longer to do certain things. World of Warcraft is much quicker, but simpler. So when I just want to kill things and not think too hard WoW is the way to go. I may start it back up again if my friend Faux and his sister want to start a static party for weekly adventures. I've been in another attempted static party several times before, but it failed as several people had no discipline and played their static party characters without the rest of us and got too high of level and that ruined the whole point, but I digress.

Race, GenderHuman, Female
Class Warlock
Major Quests Completed Imp, Voidwalker, Succubus Summon Quests, Van Cleese, Stockades
Reputation Honored in StormWind
Friendly Everywhere else

Race, GenderNight Elf, Female
Class Warrior
Major Quests CompletedElunite
Reputation Honored in Darnassus, Friendly Everywhere else

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