Copyright © 1998 by Bryant & Bryce Berggren. Permission is granted to copy and/or distribute this document for personal use so long as it is done without charge, and no portion of the document is altered or omitted.
CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS: Employees of Allied Wrestling International agree to comply with contracts set down by the Competition Committee and/or Commissioner, and agree that these parties shall have limited power of attorney to sanction matches and distribute payments for those matches; employees recognize that Allied Wrestling International cannot guarantee payments will be collected and/or distributed for events not governed by Allied Sports Entertainment or the Summit Wrestling Alliance.
In other words, if you wrestle at an interfed event, the Promoters decide if and how much of the money given for that event actually counts for your wrestler.
Wrestlers holding championship titles will be awarded custody of physical trophies representing those titles; these tokens remain the property of Allied Sports Entertainment, and may be removed at any time by the decision of the Competition Committee and/or Commissioner.
The "physical tropies", of course, meaning belts.
MANAGER'S LICENSES: Individuals may be formally register with AWI their services as managers of wrestlers. This allows them to act as "sanctioned participants" in matches involving the wrestlers they manage, and to act with power of attorney in all that wrestler's dealings with AWI. Holding a managerial license requires an annual fee of $600.
Or, if you prefer, holding a license increases upkeep to $115 a week.
CHAMPIONSHIP CONTENTION: The AWI Competition Committee shall draw up a list of contenders for each division (Men's, Women's, Men's Tag Team, Women's Tag Team, and Light Heavyweight) at the end of each 2 month fiscal cycle. For the purposes of these rankings, the North American and North American Tag Team champions will be considered the first contender to their respective World titles, except in cases of a disputed championship.
Tag teams are considered singular and indivisible entities for the purpose of ranking; a wrestler who participates in multiple teams during a single cycle will be ranked separately for those performances.
Any wrestler weighing less than 240 pounds (American) at the time of a scheduled bout will be considered in contention for the Light Heavyweight championship during that bout.
DEFENSES: Champions are obligated to make a valid defense of their titles within a limited period of time: 60 days for the World, World Tag Team, and Women's championships; 45 days for the North American, North American Tag Team, and Light Heavyweight championships; and 15 days for the Television championship. The conditions for a "valid defense" are:
No contender will be considered a valid defense for any bout consecutive with a previous defense.
FALL: A "fall" shall be defined as:
The officiating referee shall not recognize any falls occurring during an illegal action (see below). Specific match stipulations may redefine a "fall" for the purposes of that match only.
UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT: The officiating referee shall have the power to disqualify a wrestler for excessive use of illegal actions within the ring, subject to his own judgement. Illegal actions within the ring shall include:
Item (J) is basically an overall protection clause to discourage wrestlers from attacking fans, reporters, Lawrence Taylor, etc.
MANDATORY DISQUALIFICATION: The following actions will result in an automatic and immediate disqualification of the offending wrestler barring a special stipulation otherwise:
INTERFERENCE: An unsanctioned participant will receive one warning for any harassment of either competitor, then will be dismissed. A sanctioned participant may also be dismissed at the judgement of the officiating referee for excessive harassment of the competitors. Harassment following a dismissal by the officiating referee will result in either a disqualification of the benefiting party, an arrest and restart of the match, or a ruling of "no decision", depending on the judgement of the officiating referee.
FINES & SUSPENSIONS: The Commissioner retains the power to issue monetary fines and punitive suspensions for unsportsmanlike conduct of a vicious and/or unforgivable nature. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to: