Current AWI Handlers

The following players currently have active characters within the AWI. "Face" refers to fan favorites or "good guys"; "heel" refers to rulebreakers or "bad guys". "Mgr" denotes a manager; "/mgr" denotes a wrestler/manager.

AWI Mission Control
Bulletin Board
Player List
Title Lineages
Top 10s
Who's Who
Who's Been
Andy Agostini Ken Mischief [heel]
Jay Anderson Jillian Bole (of Perfection) [heel]
Kim "Tiger" Lee (of Perfection) [heel]
Jack Robertson [face]
Stefan Schreiber [heel]
Bryant Berggren "War Machine" Greg Gardner [face]
"Blue Ribbon" Dorothy Gayle [face]
Reverend Jeremiah James [heel]
"Dragonfire" Kien Lun [face]
Joe Walker [face]
Tiger Z [heel]
Mike Birnbaum Nick Vorpal [heel]
Ray Duffy "Way Cool, Jr." Corey Bonham [heel]
Scott "Tank" Bradley [heel]
Tori Johannsenn [heel]
Robbie Stevens [heel]
Brenda Storm (of Firestorm) [face]
Pat Flanagan Danny Boy McGill [face]
Big Poppa [heel]
Miranda Wright [face mgr]
Ran Hardin Karl Von Eichmann [face]
"Scarecrow" Dominic Nightshade [heel]
"Live Wire" Tommie Sparks [face]
Iain MacNair Angela Dante [face]
Justice [face]
Jerry Straite [face]
Jerone Mitchell "Mastermind" Alliyah Johnston [heel mgr]
"The Awesome One" Kerry Masters [face]
Jayson "Fury" Michaels (of Intensity) [face]
Hector "Power" Martinez (of Intensity) [face]
"The Dragon" Talia Yamahara [heel]
Steve Pillmeier "The Wrestling Expert" Ed Carr [face]
Toshiaki "Smilin' Joey" Hasegawa [heel]
John "Asylum" Smith (of Intensive Care) [heel]
Mike "Stretcher" Kirwan (of Intensive Care) [heel]
Jessica Perkins [heel]
Steve the Insane [face]
Russell Ray D.A. Bookthrower [heel]
Jack Fury [heel]
"Billion Dollar Babe" Melissa Wright [heel]
Ashe Richards "Wild Thing" Kanaida Sharpe [face]
Eric Roy Rich Greenspear (of the Honor Guard) [face]
Sam Richards (of the Honor Guard) [face]
Kelly Tucker [face]
David Tiemroth 'Mr. NLS' Maurice Jackson [heel]
Cordell Walker "Ringmaster" Dacia Blackthorne [face]
Ryan Wanamaker Scott "Tsunami" Deda [face]
Josh Whealton "Blunt" Dakota (of the Chaos Bros.) [face]
"Zap" London (of the Chaos Bros.) [face]
James Deacon [face mgr]
Smith Durbin [face]
Thomas Willoughby Colt Kawaii [face]