Martial Arts:
Black Belt Magazine Home Page (my favorite)
Yahoo!’s Marial Art Index
Martial Arts Instructor’s Manual
An excellent site for instructor and students.
Danny Abramovitch's Martial Arts Home Page
There are a lot of MA links here.
Chat Rooms:
Cyberzine Chat
Cyber Chat (my favorite)
Neocities Chat
A cleaner sister site to Cyberzine.
Personals a.k.a. Cool Chat
It’s a pick up joint.
Fire Fly Chat
Very different, but very good. They have internal home pages for members (it’s free) that you customize yourself. You can also leave messages to other members, like an internal e-mail system.
Maui Net Chat
Chat Junkies Headquarters
A very good site for reviews of different chatrooms, and chatroom ratings. You can also register for a free e-mail Chat Junkies Newsletter.
Literature Sites:
JamZone-Writer’s Cove
A very good site.
A Poem A Week
My Friends Are The Best!
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