All Images on this page, including the title image.  Have been made
Rhino 1.0 Beta.  I am still learning to use this, as well as learning
to be an Artist.  Some of these images are my own ideas of possibilities
in the universes of my favorite authors.  They do not represent the
authors ideas of what these images look like.
Here are the image's:

Flash Light

This was my first Image. It is a tutorial from Rhino's Website.

Hyper Ship

This is my second Image.  This was one that I used my imagination on.
It is a cross between David Weber's Impeller Wedge ship and a Reaction
Drive ship.  This is my concept not David Webers'.

Battle Club

This was one of first attempts at 3D modelling.  As I practice
my attempts should improve. Lets hope, Huh.


Here is a Starfighter with its system sun in the background.


This may not be that exciting, but it is one of the things you might
make to learn.

Hyper Station

Hyper Station

This Hyper Station is a concept I came up as I read David Weber's
Honor Harrington series.  Also notice the small Warshawski Sail
near one of the docking Pylons.  There are some
changes I still must make, but its a try.

Blow-up of docking ship.

CVF Space Wing
CVF Space Wing

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Updated by Wil 'Tannim' Wagner                                                               on 5 July, 1998
Graphics by Tannim                                          Current background art by The Widow's Web
If you wish to use any of my art elsewhere, please contact me.  I will not mind, just let me know.